Chapter 13

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(you may want to get emotionally prepared)

*Michael's POV*

Ashton and I decided to go to the mall. It was fun, just the two of us. In a way it felt weird without the others, since we're always together.

After we finish up at the mall, we drive back to the house.

Ashton parks the car and we exit.

"Okay Michael, help me grab some bags," he says as he grabs a bag from Hot Topic.

"Nope!" I yell and run into the house.

"Michael Clifford!" Ashton screams and chases after me.

I barely make it into the door when he catches up and tackles me. We land on the kitchen floor, Ashton pinning me down.

"Let me go, Ash!" I giggle, but he tightens his grip on my shoulders. I'm thankful he's not holding me down by my wrists.

"Nope!" He says, trying to mock me.

"Okay, okay. I'll help you," I sigh and he instantly let's me go.

We head back out into the muggy summer night and unload all of our bags. The two of us then go back inside to put them down on the counter. Even though there are only four bags, they were packed full of stuff. In the end, it felt pretty heavy to carry. Finally, we get them all on the counter and we are slightly out of breath. Yes, we are horrifically out of shape.

"What do you want to do now?" Ashton asks me.

"I don't know," I shrug.

"Wanna go upstairs and play a game?" Ashton asks me.

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I ask him as we head towards the stairs.

"Anything but FIFA," Ashton laughs

"Hey! I'm good at FIFA!" I exclaim.

Ashton rolls his eyes and chuckles. "That's the whole point Mikey."

"I know," I pout.

Ashton tilts his head once we get up the stairs.

"What?" I ask him.

"Shh!" He shushes me.

I'm about to ask why, but then I hears it plain as day.

'Thinking Out Loud' is playing faintly from inside Luke's room.

"What the heck?" I ask out loud.

"C'mon, let's investigate," Ashton says and motions for me to follow him down the hall.

I tiptoe behind my friend, trying to be as quiet as possible. The floor boards keep squeaking beneath my feet, which makes Ashton shush me even more.

"Sorry, I don't control the floor!" I yell in a hushed voice.

Ashton smiles and rolls his eyes once again at me.

We finally reach Luke's bedroom door and lean against it. The song could still be heard, this time louder.

"I'm going to open it," I say and Ashton nods.

"Don't die," he laughs.

"Ash, I don't think I can die from opening a door," I chuckle.

"You never know mister, be careful with that door!" He whisper-yells.

This makes me laugh slightly as I turn the handle and swing open the door. I'm not prepared for what I see: Calum and Luke are slow dancing with each other.

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