Chapter 5

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*Luke's POV*

I woke up to the sounds of giggles coming from the doorway. I moaned as I turned over and Calum sat up straight. "What are you guys doing?" Calum asks sleepily.

"Who?" I ask, still half asleep.

"Who'd you think Luke? How about the only other people in the house?" Calum says as he thumps my forehead and I laugh quietly.  "So, what are you guys doing?"

"Oh, us? We're just capturing the moment of Cake baking," Michael says like a girl. Ashton looses his shit and Calum stands up and demands the phone to be handed over.

"Cake?" I ask.

"Yeah, your guys' ship name," Mikey says before handing over his phone.

"Why were you guys taking pictures?" Calum asks and crosses his arms with sass.

"Why were you guys in bed together?" Michael asks. Ashton for some reason leaves the room without saying a word.

"Can't two friends just cuddle together? I mean, girls do it all the time. Why can't guys?" Calum responds.

"I mean, don't you think it's k-kinda... weird?" Michael stutters and twiddles his thumbs.

"Really, are we gonna go through sixth grade all over again?" Calum grunts, storming out of the room.

Michael looks shocked, but shakes his head and shrugs with a grin. "I don't know what his problem is."

The thing is I do. I know why he's so mad. Calum and I support gay rights, actually all rights. Michael is a fucking homophobic red haired piece of shit. I love Michael like a brother, but his fear of two men getting remotely romantic in any way annoys me. Same with Calum. We ignore it mostly, but today, I have a feeling we won't.

Michael and I walk down the stairs to find Calum and Ashton at the table with McDonald's bags in their hands.

"What's this?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"Breakfast!" Ashton chirps and hands me a bag.

"So, Irwin ain't our chef this morning? What happened?" Mikey asks, looking in a bag of food and pulling out a hash-brown.

"Can't a man have a day off?" Ashton laughs and takes a bite out of a sandwich.

We scarf down our greasy breakfast and go to our rooms to get ready for the day. As I'm fixing my mop of blond hair, I hear a high pitched screech from next door. I drop my comb and run back into my room as Calum bursts through the door screaming. He jumps onto my back, panting and out of breath.

"What on earth Cal?" I ask in a loud yell.

"I SAW A SPIDER LUKEY!" He screams. I laugh and roll my eyes at him.

"I'll take care of it, Cal," I sigh and stroll in his room, armed with a white VAN. "Come and get it spidey!" I yell and Calum giggles. He tip toes in behind me and clutches my arm. And that's when it happens, butterflies. I have fucking butterflies. Why? I've never had them around Cal before. Why now? Was I gonna be sick? I ignore them, as hard as it is, and embark  on the spider killing expedition.

"OH MY GOD LUKE! THERE IT IS!" Calum squeals into my ear and points above his bed. Sure enough there is a large black spider above his bed.

"Don't worry Cally, I'll kill it... maybe," I add the maybe to freak him out, it does.


I laugh and shake Calum off of my arm, vanishing the butterflies. I shake my head at the whole thing and slowly make my way to his bed, the one I slept in last night. I climb up on it and slowly, like a sloth, stand up. "Bye bitch," I whisper and smack the spider with the VAN and hear a satisfying splat. Calum starts to jump up and down happily, cheering me on.

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