Chapter 22

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•Ashton's POV•

I wrap my arms around Michael's waist. Calum and Luke went upstairs previously.
Michael cuddles closer to me and I smile. He stuffs his face in the crook of my neck getting comfortable. I sigh. I'm content.

I grab his arm softly but he seems to flinch back.


"S-sorry." He says in a small voice.

"No, what's wrong?" I say getting a feeling of worry.

"Nothing Ash. I'm good." He says, and I see him smile in the dark. The worry feeling doesn't leave but I'm going to go with it for now.

I act as if nothing is wrong, which it shouldn't be. Or I would know about it right? He trusts me.

Thoughts build up inside me, what if he doesn't trust me? I mean, we are best friends, I don't know why he wouldn't.

I rub his wrist soothingly. His sleeve slides up and I feel a scab on his wrist. I feel myself go pale.

Michael pulls his arm away from me. I now know. I grab my phone and turn the flashlight on and shine it on Michael's wrist. Red lines. Those lines that no one deserve to have on their skin. Those lines that show hate. Those lines that make me feel sick when I look at them.

The lines that are on Michael's skin, and will always be there. Those cuts that litter his wrist.

I look up at him, sadness fills my eyes. "Michael.." I whisper.

He sits up, rapidly trying to get away. But he can't, I've already seen them, and I wish they weren't there in the first place.

I grab his hand making him stay put. We will talk about this if it's the last thing I do.

"Michael, we are talking about this. Now." I demand and he whimpers.

"Ashton.. I-"

"Mikey, this isn't okay. You can't be hurting yourself! You need to explain everything to me, okay?" Tears brim my eyes and I see his filling as well.

I pull him close and he starts explaining.

"I- Ashton I just.. I hurt Calum and Luke so badly. I was a fucking dick to them. I couldn't accept myself for who I was Ash, it got too much for me. I deserved that. I hurt myself b-because   I deserved it. I'm so-sorry.." tears fall down his cheeks.

"Michael, you should've have done that. You are a beautiful person and you can't be hurting your self in that way. Yeah, you may have been a bit of an ass but that's all over. We all forgive you. It's in the past and we have to look toward the future. They are happy." I rant, the tears that were brimming my eyes now fall.

I reach over to Michael's face, wiping his tears. He leans towards my touch.

I look at Mikey's wrist again and grab it softly.

I bring it to my lips and kiss his cuts gently. I look at him and he smiles sadly. I kiss his wrist multiple times and he doesn't flinch away. His face actually turns pink.

I lay back down on the couch, opening my arms for Michael to fall back into, he does.

I bring him into my chest and he looks up at me. I look at him," tell me you won't ever hurt yourself again."

"I won't, Ash." He says.

I smile, confidence building up inside me. I feel something that I haven't noticed until now. I decide something and I'm going to do it.

I grab Michael's face with my hands, looking him in the eyes. We lock eye contact. I lean forward, bringing my lips to his soft pink ones. He responds instantly.

He places his hands on my cheeks, deepening the kiss.

I know this will be cliche but that's what the kiss was. I felt sparks, fireworks exploding.

We pull apart, but only for a split second. Almost as soon as we separate, he has his lips back on mine.


I grab Michael's hand, bringing it to my lips and kissing it. The lights are off and we are just cuddling on the sofa.

"Hey Ash?" I hear Michael say.

"Yeah, love?" In the dark I can tell that Mikey is blushing.

"W-what are we? I-I just want to know.." he says somewhat nervously.

"Michael, what do you want us to be?" I ask.

"..I want us to be more. You know what I mean?" He all but whispers.

"Yeah okay. Well then," I sit up bringing Michael up with me, "Michael Clifford, be my boyfriend?"

"Well obviously you coconut." He laughs and hugs me.

I giggle, "coconut?"

"I don't even know some times."


"Ashton! It's 3AM!" Michael giggles tiredly.

"Go to sleep you adorable goon." I laugh.

"But I'm no-," he yawns," -t tired."

"Yeah, okay." I yawn as well.

All these hours we've just been talking about nothing. I ranged from, "thoughts on Frosted Flakes" to "When the sun happens to explode, what will be left of earth"

I already love that. I can tell that we will just stay up and talk about anything. We could just sit in silence( HA! TØP AF) and it would be okay. We are just happy to be in each other's presence.

"Mikey?" I whisper softly.

I get no response. "Not tired" my ass.

I lean over and kiss his forehead and then getting comfy myself. I wrap my arms around him and he snuggles close to me in his sleep.

"Goodnight, love."


Really short but eh.. it's cute! Hopefully you enjoyed and we can get back on regular updating.

Thanks for reading.


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