Chapter 6

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*Calum's POV*

I didn't know why Luke was in my room in the first place, but I'm glad he was because if he wasn't he wouldn't have found my guitar. I wouldn't know the amazing playing he does. I wouldn't even know the breath taking voice he has. In comparison, I couldn't do shit.


The next morning I head downstairs pretty early, around seven or so. I immediately smell something as I walk to the staircase. I gallop down the stairs and into the kitchen. Ashton is at the stove and using a spatula to flip over something in a pan. I see that he has on the apron we got him. "You like that apron or something?" I tease and he spins around quickly to glare at me.

"Listen Hood, I'm making French Toast. It gets pretty messy and I like this shirt, so shut it."

I giggle as I ask him if he needs any help. "I'm good. Besides, if you help you'll burn down the kitchen," he says and tightens his apron. I pretend to pout and I flop down on the couch in the living room. I flip through all the channels but find nothing. I finally settle on the news, even though I hate to watch it. "Blah, blah, blah, politics, blah, blah, death, blah, gossip, blah, blah, blah, stocks..." Who even cared? All of the sudden I hear a high pitched scream and a boom. As I start to stand up to inspect the problem, the fire alarm goes off. I run into the kitchen to see a panicking Ashton battling flames on the stove.

"HELP ME! DON'T JUST STAND THERE, ASSHOLE!" Ashton screams and throws a towel at the roaring fire. I jump over the counter and run to the sink. I fill up a nearby cup and fling the liquid at the inferno on the stove. Ashton helps me do this and soon the flames die down slowly. After ten minutes the fire is gone, but the entire kitchen is covered in inky black smoke. I look judgmentally at Ashton who bites his lip. "Or maybe I'll burn the house down," he whispers and looks down at his shoes. I chuckle and roll my eyes. I realize the smoke alarm is still going off so I climb up on the island and flip it to the off position. Just as I turn it off, Michael walks sleepily down the stairs and into the room. He takes a breath in and scrunches up his nose.

"Were you guys getting high in here or something?" He asks and looks up at the small smoke clouds above us.

"No, Mikey, Ash just almost killed us all with french toast," I look at Ashton who takes off his apron and picks up his keys. "Where are you going?"

"To get McDonald's again," he sighs and walks out the door.

Luke finally comes downstairs after Ashton leaves.

"Where have you been?" I ask him as he sits down on the couch with Michael and I.

He plays around with the drawstring of his sweatpants as he answers me. "Sleeping."

"You tired or something?" Mikey asks and flips himself around so he's hanging upside down from the couch.

"Well yeah, if I was sleeping I'm obviously tired Mikey," Luke scoffs and flicks Michael in the head. Luke sniffs the air and looks at us. "Was someone getting high or..." I roll me eyes.

"No, Ashton almost burned down the house. No one was getting high!" I laugh and look at Michael who rolls of the couch and stands up.

"Well sorry!" He says and struts around with his butt out, trying to make us laugh. It works and before you know, Luke and I are crying with laughter. After a while Ashton walks in with four bags of greasy food.

"FOOD OH MY GOD YES." Michael yells and runs over to Ashton, tackles him in a bear hug, and grabs a bag. "THANKS BESTIE!"

Luke and I start laughing again and I fall into him. He catches me, but we both fall down together and that just makes us laugh harder. "Hey! I just saved your life, Hood!" He says and squints at me.

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