Chapter 19

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(A/N: Pretty sure this chapter is going to be really terrible and just a stupid filler with the boys' shenanigans and fluff but I need to update so here)

*Michael's POV*

I feel so bad for Calum. The poor guy gets rejected, yelled at, maybe even disowned by his own mother? That's just not right. This was the thing I feared for when I came out, this is why I always wanted to hurt myself. That's why I finally snapped and did it. Calum was strong for me when that happened, so I figure I should be strong for him now.

I wake up the next day and head downstairs surprisingly early in the morning. I may even be the first one up, considering it's eight in the morning. Alas, I am not the first one to wake up, as Ashton is in the kitchen making breakfast already.

"How do you get up so early?!" I yell out from behind and he turns around, slightly startled.

"You're up before ten? That's a first," he laughs at me and I shrug.

"What are you making?" I ask, curious.

"Breakfast," Ashton smirks. I thump him on the forehead for stating the obvious.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious. I meant what kind of food," I roll my eyes at him and he giggles. I can't help but giggle back. Ashton goes to answer, but two idiots come bursting through the kitchen. Luke is on Calum's back for some reason.

"What are you all giggling about?!" Luke yells, laughing like a child.

"Nothing," Ashton smiles, still giggling slightly.

"Why is everyone laughing?!" Calum laughs himself.

We continue to laugh about nothing, Luke riding on Calum as he runs around the house, and Ashton making what was revealed to be bacon and eggs.

Before we know it, Ashton starts serving up plates filled with crispy bacon and fluffy, delicious eggs. (I hate eggs tbh-J) We all sit down on the bar stools, not bothering to walk to the dining room. I bite into the food and it's extremely tasty. I have no idea how Ashton cooks this good. The meal is quite, but it's the comfortable silence. Besides a rather quite meal, it is filled with a lot of cuddling, kissing, and hand holding from Calum and Luke. I break the silence when Calum kisses Luke for a long time, so long in fact, that I'm afraid someone may pass out.

"Do you guys need a room or are you gonna fuck in the eggs?" I ask with a slight laugh and Ashton bursts out laughing. To be honest, I really wouldn't call it laughing. It was more of wheezing and snorting.

Luke's face goes red and buries himself in Calum's shoulder. They're both laughing themselves.

They're way too cute together. I still feel like a huge dick for being so horrible to them before.

Finally, we finish the meal. The second we put our plates in the sink, Luke and Calum run for the stairs.

"Getting that room now?" I ask them with a smirk.

Calum visibly rolls his eyes at me. "We're just going to-"

Calum gets cut off by Ashton who bursts into the family room. "NOW CHILDREN, IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE SEX YOU NEED TO-"

Ashton then gets cut off by Luke. "Ash! No!" He whines loudly while I laugh.

"What? I just wanted to inform you both that you need to use protection," Ashton shrugs, holding in a laugh. I start laughing loudly.

"Ashton! We're just going to go cuddle upstairs!" Calum protests.

"Right, 'cuddle'." Ashton makes air quotes and then winks.

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