Chapter 12

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•Luke's POV•

"I will win one day, Michael! You'll see!" Ashton yells while a cocky Michaels struts away.

"Yeah, In you're dreams!"

I pull my head off Cal's shoulder and hold my stomach in laughter.

"You think that's funny, aye?" Ashton asks me  in a annoyed tone.


I get tackled to the ground by an angry Ashton. He lays on me so I'm not able to get up even if I tried.

I groan, "get off of me Ashhhhh."

"Nope. You laughed at the loser and you're actually pretty comfy."

"MICHAEL! HELP!!" I shriek and Michael comes running in.

"Are you---YOU SCARED ME! I came in here expecting someone to be dying but I see two idiots rolling around on the floor and another idiot watching the whole thing."

We all start laughing at Michael's outburst and I get Ashton off of me.

Ashton hugs Michael apologizing in a squeaky voice. "I'm sorry Mikey."

Michael's face turns red. Ash pulls out of the hug and pokes his red cheeks. He goes to his room giggling.
Mikey looks down at his feet and I'm so confused as to what's going on. I'm also confused about my feelings.

I give Calum a confused look and he just shakes his head. I sigh, getting up from where I was and I trudge up to my room.

"Luke? Where are you going?" Cal asks, standing up to follow me.

"Just going to my room.." I mumble.

I get to my door about to close it until my door gets stopped. By Calum.

"Luke..I want to know what's going on. You're my best friend and you can trust me." Calum says.

I walk over to my bed and put my head into my hands. This isn't going to go well. I'm not going to tell him. Not now.

I feel arms wrap around and I Instantly feel okay. "Luke, can you please tell me what's up? I want to help."

Tears prickle my eyes in fear of telling him. "No, no. Please don't cry Lukey. If you don't want to tell me just say so. It's okay." I fall into his embrace, "I'm not ready right now Cal. I'm sorry."

I look up at him and he smiles. He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. It's weird since we haven't done it since 6th grade.

I slowly start to pull my hand away from his, afraid to be humiliated again.

"Luke.." Cal sighs, "are you afraid of being humiliated again?"


"I won't let it happen, Okay?"

I nod my head yes and let him take hold of my hand again. I'm so glad this is happening. I've honesty have missed this so much.


"Hey Lu-- Cal?" A confused Ashton walks into my room, "what are you doing?"

"Nothing. Luke needed a cuddle that's all." Calum explains and I hide my face in Cal's chest.

"Well I came up here to tell you, Mikey and I are going to the mall. I was gonna ask if you guys wanted to come but I guess not." He laughs.

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