Chapter 21

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Oh, look. I finally got my life together after a month and wrote this freaking chapter that will probably be horrible but I'm only motivated because this book hit 1k reads! Thanks!

Luke's POV

It's later that night and I'm curled up on my bed with Calum's arm draped over my shoulder. The room is silent, the only noise being our steady breathing. Just as I finally close my eyes and take in the peacefulness, my phone goes off.

"Who is even calling you? It's almost midnight," Calum groans as his eyes flutter open fully.

I shrug and pick up my phone. I roll my eyes at the caller ID.

"It's my mom," I complain and Calum giggles. Hitting accept call, I put the phone up to my ear and my mom's voice comes through the line.

"Hey sweetie!" She chirps.

"Hey mom, what do you want?" I ask.

"Oh, I was just calling to let you and the boys know I'm planning on coming out there tomorrow," she says nonchalantly.

I practically choke on my spit.

"Why?" I question.

"I want to see you! Oh, and your new boyfriend," she coos. Even though I can't see her, I imagine she's winking.

My cheeks flush bright red. I see Calum tilt his head out of the corner of my eye in confusion.

"Mom," I whine in embarrassment.

"Love you! I'll be there at ten tomorrow morning!" She announces and then hangs up.

My cheeks are still burning when I put the phone down.

"Wanna explain why you look like a tomato currently?" Calum giggles.

I roll my eyes at him. "My mom wants to come out here tomorrow morning to see us and 'my new boyfriend'," I feel myself cringe.

"Aw, I love Liz," he laughs and boops my nose. "Should we tell Mikey and Ash?" He asks.

I nod and rub the still existing sleep from my bleary eyes. "Hopefully they're awake," I say and stand up from the cozy bed.

We walk down the twisting stairs and into the living room. Two bodies lay on the couch in the corner together.

"Looks like they fell asleep," Calum smirks at me and I giggle. We had gone up to bed earlier but they stayed here. I guess they fell asleep still wrapped in one another's arms.

Calum nudges them, but they don't even stir. He glances at me, a devious grin playing on his lips before leaning down and screaming "RISE AND SHINE MATES!" at the top of his lungs. Both Michael and Ashton jerk forward, Michael screaming, and they crash onto the ground on top of each other. Both of their faces turn bright pink.

"Was that necessary?!" Ashton scolds, standing up.

I start giggling as Calum sticks his tongue out.

"What do you want?" Michael asks.

"My mom's coming here at ten tomorrow, thought you'd like to know," I explain with a shrug.

They nod at me.

"Oh, and you guys should really sleep somewhere comfortable like a bed," Calum smirks and ruffles their heads.

Michael blushes and covers his face as Ashton rolls his hazel eyes.

"And I'm guessing that's what you two were doing?" Ashton remarks and Calum kisses my forehead.

"We're experts after all!" He chirps and picks me up unexpectedly.

"Calum!" I screech as he sprints up the stairs with me still in his arms. We collapse on the bed and he kisses me softly.

"I love you," he mumbles.

I hum in response.


"Lucas! Calum! Get your asses down here right now!" I hear Ashton shouting from downstairs. Turning over I groan inwardly and squint my eyes open to look at the alarm clock.

10:30 AM

A wave of realization passes through me.

"SHIT," I shout and shoot up in the bed, leaping out and shaking Calum awake.

"Morning?" He questions upon seeing my frenzied manner.

"IT'S 10:30! MY MOM'S HERE!" I scream in panic and Calum jumps out of bed, racing me down the stairs and into the kitchen where Ashton is standing there looking annoyed.

"I have been shouting for you two for twenty minutes!" He complains.

"Sorry," I apologize and he shrugs.

"Your mom's in the living room," he says and we bound into there.

"Luke!" She says and hugs me once we walk in. Michael and Ashton come in behind us. "And there he is!" She says to Calum who looks slightly uncomfortable. My mom hugs Calum and the looks back at the other boys who smile at her, obviously they had already said hello.

"Hi Liz," Calum pretty much mumbles. She give him a hug as well.

"So..." I start, not really sure what to say. I mean, what do you say to your mom while surrounded by your two friends and boyfriend at ten in the morning? Not to mention in your pajamas.

"So!" My mom claps her hands together. "How about we catch up?"

I cringe.

I love my mom but she's just so... mom-ish.

"Well, I mean. You pretty much know everything, Liz. You are up to date," Calum shrugs with a smile.

"How's your mom doing, Calum? I haven't talked to Joy for a few months," my mom changes the subject to probably the worst possible one.

I turn to Cal and give him a sideways glance. His eyes meet me and a look of "you can tell her" hide behind them. Taking a deep breath, I begin to speak.

"Mom, it's not a good subject right now," I start off.

She gives me a questioning look.

"Joy didn't, you know, react too well to us," I explain terribly, but my mom seems to understand.

"Oh, Calum. I'm so sorry, I didn't know," she apologizes, but Calum waves her off.

"Liz, it's totally fine. You didn't know, don't worry," he dismisses her.

I take his hand in mine and give it a tiny squeeze, which makes him laugh.

Suddenly, the mood lightens.


The day flies by. It was a lazy day filled with my mom's cooking and talking about nonsense. At around seven, my mom says her farewells to us and tells me she'll see me in a few weeks when we get back home. The second she slams shut the door, Michael starts screaming.

"LET'S DO SOMETHING!" He shouts, jumping up and down while using Ashton's shoulders to push him up.

We all decide on a movie, specifically a horror movie with a bad rating on Netflix, and turned it into a comedy by cracking jokes about the costumes and effects. I'm curled up into Calum's side, his arm draped over me and our breathing in sync, as we laugh about stupid shit. Michael and Ashton are sitting together on the opposite couch. Oddly enough, not wrapped around each other like always. They're too entranced by the jokes to get closer.

Soon enough my eyes start to flutter shut and the sounds of laughter fade.


So, *nervous laugh* I'm not dead. I am just a horrible person whoops. I suck at uploading for this book (I'm slightly better at the other one but I still suck) I feel guilty oh god. Anyways this book hit 1k reads?! What??? Thank you! Btw this book is ending soon... Yeah only a few more chapters of this shit storm. Hahah whoopdie doopidie boop..?!!


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