Chapter 16

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•Calum's POV•

I grab Luke's face and deepen the kiss. I can't believe this is actually happening. My best friend likes me. Back.

We pull apart and I rest our foreheads together.

"Well Luke, since we both like each other, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, knowing that he'll say yes.

"Of course Calum!"

And with that he reconnects our lips.


My boyfriend and I are cuddle up on my bed. Boyfriend. I like that.

I'm so happy I can call him mine. I look down at him and he's asleep. I feel him cuddle closer to me and I hold him tighter.

I smile at how adorable he is. How will Ash and Mikey react. Will they be surprised or have they known something was up between us, all along?

I know they'll both accept us either was so that's not a problem. How will our parents react? None of our parents knew we were gay, little alone dating a guy.

I'm sure everything will work out, hopefully.


I kiss Luke's cheek, and get up, slowly. I make sure he's comfortable and I walk downstairs.

It's the next morning so Ash is up making breakfast. I quietly walk behind him, in attempt to scare him. Attempt.

"Cal, I know you are there." Ashton laughs.

I groan and walk to counter. I sit in a bar stool. "How'd you know it was me!? It could've been Mikey or Luke!" I smile at Luke's name.

"Eh, you're normally the 2nd one up so.."



I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I see Michael carefully walking down the stairs with Luke on his back.

"Don't break Luke." I say and Luke giggles.

Luke and Michael laugh while running around the kitchen, Luke still attached onto him.

Luke looks directly at me and I wink at him. His face floods pink and I chuckle to myself. He's truly adorable.

My thoughts get corrupted by Ashton yelling at the boys for running around the house.


They laugh but nonetheless, Luke slides off Mikey's back. He trots over to me and gives me a big hug.

Ash scolds Mikey for stealing the pieces of bacon that he had cooked, Michael just laughs.

I mumble into Luke's neck, "are we gonna tell them?"

"We can." He whispers.

"Okay, I think they need to know.

We pull out of our hug and go sit at the counter.


We all sit down at the kitchen table and begin to eat breakfast. I look at Luke and he nods.

"Guys Luke and I have to say something." Everyone looks at me, confused. Besides Luke.

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