Chapter 15

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*Luke's POV*

We stayed at the beach for about an hour, only to come back to the house for the night. It was fun and all, but I was too busy thinking. I was thinking about the scariest things that came to my mind, and they all had to do with Calum. These stupid feelings I had for him were messing with me. I actually lost sleep because of then before. I just couldn't focus on the stuff that was happening, my mind just took over.

When Ash cracked a joke I thought about the butterflies I felt last week.

When Mikey fell into the ocean I thought about the pang of jealousy I felt at Pizza Hut.

When Calum grabbed my hand to lead me through the shore I thought about the dance we had hours earlier.

The thoughts really made it hard to enjoy the night.


We finally make it back to the house and Michael collapses on the couch.

"God, I'm tired," he complains loudly, sounding like a child.

"Then go to bed, genius!" Ashton laughs and pushes Mikey off the couch. He falls with a high pitched scream which causes Calum to laugh loudly. I chuckle a bit, my mind still swimming with thoughts.

Calum turns to me, a look of concern on his face. I smile at him and he smiles back, almost mirrorring mine.

"Fine, Mom! I'll go to bed!" Michael laughs at Ashton who chases him up the stairs.

Once they make it to the top Calum steps in front of me.

"You okay, Lukey?" He asks me with geniune concern.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine Cal," I lie. "I'm just tired that's all."

"I don't believe you," he says while crossing his arms.

"Can we just hang out in my room and talk?" I ask him.

"Whatever you want Lukey," he smiles at me.

We head up the stairs, me leading the way. I push open my door, let Calum in, then shut it behind me.

Calum pulls out his phone and starts playing music. We always listen to music together. Without it, the conversation would feel awkward.

All I Wanted by Paramore starts playing and fills the audibaly void room.

"Lukey, what's wrong?" Cal asks me as his chocolate eyes sparkle with worry.

"It- it's complicated. (By Avril Lavigne) I'd rather not say Cal. I don't want to loose you as a friend. I'll tell you one day," I shrug and he grips my shoulder.

"If you're not comfortable with it, I won't force you. I'm just worried," he whispers and looks down. "I don't like seeing you bothered or upset. I hate when you cry, I just want you to be happy and I want to contribute to helping you stay happy."

I smile at him and whisper a thank you. He nods at me and removes his hand from my shoulder.

I go to stand up and walk to the other side of the room, but I feel a hand on my hip, simlilar to the one I felt hours ago.

"Do you want to pick up where we left off?" Calum asks me as I turn around to face him. He pauses the song so I can answer his question.

Instead of answering, I just wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself into his chest. He holds my waist as he restarts the song.

Think of me when you're out, when you're out there

I'll beg you nice from my knees

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