Chapter 14

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•Michael's POV•

"I think you need to come out."

That sentence was a lot for me. I'd just finally admitted I was gay and now Cal wants me to come out to the others.


"Do you want your friends back?" He asks me and I nod.

"Okay, you need to come out and explain why you were acting the way you were. I have your back, I know the others will accept you without a doubt." Calum says but my anxiety still didn't leave.

"It'll be  okay. I promise." Cal says, rubbing my back.

I nod, "when?" I barely squeak out.

"Well you want your friends back, so as soon as possible." Calum says and I feel sick.


"Do you want me to text them and tell them to come back so you can explain everything?" Cal asks and I'm tempted to just say no. But I know what I have to do.



About an hour passes and the others have finally came through the door. Luke's eyes are red from crying, obviously.

I shy up the stairs. Calum walks up to them probably explaining why he wanted them to come back. I sit at the top of the stairs, listening to what was being said.

"Cal, I don't want to be friends with someone like that." Ashton groans, tears brim my eyes but I don't let them fall.

"Ashton, he has a good reason. He has a reason why he was acting like this. Just let him explain."

"Fine Calum. But if it's a shit excuse, I'm leaving." Ashton sighs.

"Luke what do you say?" Calum asks.

"I'll listen, I guess." He sniffles still being slightly upset.

"Thank you."

Calum leads them over to the living room and they all get comfy waiting for me to explain. I sigh out in nervousness.

I get up from my spot on the top of the stairs and shakily walk down them. I walk quietly into the living room and just stand there for a minute. I was about to come out.

"Mikey, cmon and sit down." Calum says, scooting over so I had room to sit.

I sat down, "you got this Michael. Everything will be fine." Calum whispers.

I sigh getting ready to explain myself.

"O-okay, so for these past years, I've been a dick. I can't say much more about that. I know I've been a asshole for saying all these awful things.  I feel bad that I let something like this take over the way I act towards you. You guys are my best friends, and I'm so sorry that my sexuality got in the way." I look at Luke and Ash and there eyes go wide.


"I'm not done." I stop Ash mid-sentence, "I had no reason to act like a homophobic prick. I was just confused about my own sexuality at the time and acting that way was just a way to cover myself up. I'm not the homophobic person you all thought I was. It was all an act. So what I'm trying to say is that..I'm actually gay. I lost two of my best friends because I couldn't control the way I acted. And for that, I am sorry. I really hope you can accept that apology even though sorry isn't enough." Tears are falling down my cheeks, I wipe them away.

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