Chapter 8

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*Ashton's POV*

What the hell was wrong with Mikey today? That question burns in my head as I stomp down the stairs and into the living room. I tried to knock on his door a million times, but no answer. He probably hates me, or all of us for a matter of fact. Luke looks at me as I enter the room. "How is he?" He asks and stands up.

"A dick, that's all I can say," I scoff and flop down on the couch next to Calum.

"Why? What happened?" Luke asks and moves around the room.

"He wouldn't answer his door at all. I knocked for a good five minutes, but nothing. He's probably giving us the silent treatment or something," I sigh the last part.

Luke fills his cheeks up with air and lets it out slowly, as if the air was trying to escape his lips. Calum sits up straight and starts playing around with his dark hair. Luke notices right away and stares at him. I look at Luke and smirk, to which he gives me the finger. "Well, that was rude Lucas."

Calum looks at me. "What'd he do now?"

"He flipped me off!" I exclaimed, pretending to be hurt.

"Luke!" Calum scolds.

"Sorry Cali!" Luke says getting on his knees, pretending to beg for forgiveness.

"You have to give me a piggy back ride then," Calum reasons and crosses his arms.

"Fine, get on," Luke bends down, making him into a stepping stool.

"YAY!" Calum screeches and jumps on Luke.

They start running around the entire house while Luke makes airplane noises. I laugh at them and that's when I realize that we can have fun without Mikey.

*Michael's POV*

I never realized how much fun people can have without you. If they think I can't hear them they're wrong. I hear the giggling fits, the yells, the running around, all of it. I sigh as I slink around my room, twiddling my thumbs, unsure of what to do now. I've cried more than I thought I was capable of today, so that's checked off the list. Should I just go to bed? I mean, it is ten. I shrug it off and aimlessly walk around my room some more, my chest feeling empty, like I'm missing my heart. I decide to do the last thing I would ever do right now, I would go downstairs. I collect myself and make sure my hoodie is covering my cuts. I take a deep breath and open my door, the sweet summer air blowing in from the windows invading my nose. I tip toe down the spiral stairs and stop on the last stair. I quickly jump behind the wall and peek into the living room.

I see them having fun without me. Calum is sprawled across Luke's back and he's running around making loud engine noises. They're both laughing hysterically and so is Ashton.

"Lukey! Slow down! You're going too fast!" Calum gasps in between laughs.

"I'm sorry but this plane won't land for five more minutes. Please remain seated," Luke says and jerks Calum up into a sitting position. "I said to say seated Mr. Hood."

"You guys are so weird," Ashton chuckles.

I look at them and feel left out. I know I could walk in and join, but they probably hate me. For the first time in forever, I feel like I can't even talk to my own friends. I gather the small amount of courage I have and step into room. I bet if I had three heads they would react the same way. Ashton's face goes pale, Luke looks like he's had a heart attack, and Calum falls off of Luke. "H-hey guys," I whisper.

Ashton's smile fades and his lips form a straight, pressed line of pink. He hates me I bet. "Hi Michael," he says. No "Mikey" no "Mike" just "Michael" now. I'm not important enough to have a nickname now I guess.

"Where have you been all day?" Luke asks as Calum gets up off the ground and walks over to the couch Ashton's on.

Crying, I've been crying all day because you all hate me. I left for three hours because I needed to be alone. Oh, and you wouldn't believe what I did last night! Wanna see all the goddamned cuts I have and... "Oh, up in my room and I took a walk. That's about it," I lie.

They all raise their eyebrows at me and I feel my heartbeat speed up. Oh, I guess my heart's still there after all. "Okay," Luke says like a question.

"Why have you been ignoring us all day!?" Calum blurts out suddenly. Ashton gives him a death stare and Calum mouths an apology.

I start to twiddle my thumbs again and pull my sleeves down further. "I-I um, I r-really don't k-know," I lie again and pull my sleeves down the furthest as possible.

"How do you not know?" Luke asks with a hand on his hip.

I know why. I wish he could understand why. I avoided them for so many reasons it's crazy. The main one is that I'm gay and I hate myself for it. "Well I-I mean I didn't r-really know that I w-was avoiding y-you," I lie the third time and choke back tears. I try to pull my sleeves down more but there's no more material.

I scan the room and see Calum giving me a concerned look while everyone else is giving me a judgmental look. He looks at my arms and holds his breath. Is he getting a hint? Just as I'm about to turn to go back up the stairs, Calum stands up. "Mikey? Can I talk to you, please?" He asks and I look at him.



*Calum's POV*

I've never been more concerned in my life. He was acting way too strange. It's not like him, I know. He needed to be talked to, not interrogated with a million questions. We head up the stairs and into my room to talk. "Mikey, what's wrong?" I ask as I lock the door so no one can come in.


"Mikey, I know something's wrong. People don't just suddenly become secluded and quiet. People also don't leave for no reason," I say softly as he looks down at his hands.

"I told y-you, nothing's wrong C-Cal," he stutters.

"You sound like you're gonna cry," I say and put my arm around him. "What's wrong?"

He takes a deep breath like he's about to say something but he shuts his mouth and yanks down on his sleeves. That's when I panic and a horrible, terrible thought races into my mind. "Mikey..." I trail off trying to encourage him to speak. Tears start streaming down his face and I feel my own tears prick at my eyes. He won't corporate, so I take matters into my own hands. I grab his arm and yank his sleeve up. I gasp and the tears fall from my eyes. The long horizontal cuts lining his wrists make me sick to my stomach. They look fresh, like he'd done them yesterday or today. "Mikey, why?" I ask as I cry. He looks away from me, not saying a word. "Please talk to me!" I beg, the salty tears dropping onto his wrist.

"I-I, please d-don't tell any o-of them C-Cal!" He bursts out suddenly.

"Why?" I ask softly.

"I don't want them to worry! I-I'm p-probably the biggest f-fuck up ever!" He cries. I promise I won't tell, but there's still a question I have.

"Why'd you even do this to yourself?"I whisper. He bites his lip and pulls at his hair. "Mikey?"

"Do you guys hate me?" He asks.

"I don't. I'm just annoyed with you a little. Is that why you did this?" I say and loosen my grip on his arm.

"Yes and n-no," he sobs.

"What do you mean?"

He closes his eyes and sighs a long sigh. He looks at me, his lower lip trembling. "Promise not to tell?"


"C-Cal I-I'm..." He stops and bites his thumb nail on his free hand.

"What Mikey?" I push him on, unsure of what he could say.

Tears stream harder down his face as he whispers, "I-I'm gay."


Okay, um yeah that happened... What you think so far? BTW don't worry, we'll get into the cake in a little bit. Patients, my children! - Jillian ^-^

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