The League Convenes

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^^When he gets older.^^

--- 3rd person: The Watchtower. ---

"He says his name is Ezra, and he caused Crater Lake in North Dakota on the day he was born. It's a 3.5 mile wide crater lake now. The U.S. Government dropped a nuke on him following the incident, and slicked the records, thinking the matter closed. After that, there's nothing. He's around 9-10 years old. He never had legal documentation on himself, obviously, so there's no way for the government or anyone to track him. His home is self sufficient, and he is only reliant on a local groceries for food. He only reacts violently when provoked, and always gives his opponents chances to walk away which they, inevitably, do not take. Are there any questions?" Batman asked, looking around.

"He broke Superman's wrist. How?" Wonder Woman asked.

"His ability is that he's able to manipulate motion on a subatomic level. Complete control of motion, on a planetary scale. He expressed that he was capable of creating absolute zero with a thought, but didn't wish to." Batman responded.

"Why not?" Green Lantern asked.

"He's a 9 year old boy. His response was that his favorite things were here. Literally 'Food, Girls, Animals, Books, and Video Games.' Was his answer." Batman said, and Captain Marvel giggled.

Aqua-Man grinned. "So he's a normal guy after all. Good. Maybe I'll take him under my wing, eh? Heh."

Wonder Woman huffed. "Disgusting."

"Don't be biased, Diana. Batman and I were in the wrong, kidnapping him. His animal companion died because of our actions. He had every right to be angry." Superman said. "He also didn't harm me past self-defense, showing he does have a deep sense of morality, and his current attitude towards death is because he has never been taught differently. He's never even had a family."

"... True." She conceded the point.

"Any more questions?" Batman asked.

"What is the contingency plan if he decides he doesn't need the world?" Flash asked.

"... If he's as powerful as I think? Pray." Batman said, and walked out of the room.

"Thanks for that." Flash said, raising a thumbs up.

"I say use his ability against him. He has to concentrate to breath. Distract him. He will suffocate." Lantern said.

"Incorrect, this data says he can survive on the bottom of a radioactive lake without surfacing for months at a time. He doesn't need food or air, and I don't know if he needs water." Captain Marvel said.

"Then why is food on his list?" He huffed.

"Hal, I don't need food, and I definitely enjoy it." Superman said, propping his chin up with his hands.

"Alright, but he needs to do complex mathematical equations to use his ability, and he does it faster than superman can react to. Maybe Super-Intelligence and possibly Super-Speed, do you think?" Lantern asked.

"No. He only has one ability. But he can increase his Cognitive Cerebral Capacity with his ability, allowing him to have short bursts of heightened mental reaction speed. Ultra-Adrenalin, basically... His perception of the world speeds up, but not his body, only his mind. Almost like your ability, Flash, but not fully." Captain Marvel spoke again.

Flash nodded. "So I might be able to surprise him, and not give him a chance to use his ability at all?"

"No. His power is innately unconscious. He controls it, but he can deflect anything, even if he's not aware of it. Even asleep or unconscious. He allowed us to put him in the chair, but if he hadn't... Batman broke a finer tapping him while he was asleep." Captain Marvel shook his head.

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