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--- Liza's POV ---

"What did you just say to me?" I asked, putting Steve against a wall by his throat, my strength more than enough for him, as Diana had trained me for almost 6 years now.

He held up his hands in a non-threatening manner. "It-It's the truth! W-we fou-nd Ezra, or... He found us, sort of. He's coming, ho-home! L-e-t go!"

I released him, and he fell, gasping for breath. "If you're lying, Hellfire will fill the Icepacks I put on your wounds to heal you. Where is he?"

"I assume you're speaking of me?" I heard an Angels voice behind me, and whirled around.

There, standing in front of me, was a tall man, bearing my Angels face, and speaking with his Angels Voice. His body was covered in markings from his neck down to his wrists, but his features were the same. I glared. "YOU RAN AWAY FOR FIVE YEARS AND DECIDED TO GET TATTOOS TO COMMEMORATE THE EVENT?!?"

He narrowed his eyes. "Remove the hostility from your tone. I ran away from nothing. I was taken. Who are you to question me? Who are you?" He hissed.

I blinked. "You... Forgot about me?"

Steve spoke up. "He has no memories of before he was taken, or before he was dropped onto the Watchtower through a boom tube by some big bad who decided to play us."

I blinked, and rushed Ezra, hugging him. "By the gods... I'm so sorry you went through that, Ezra, and I'm sorry I assumed you ran... But... You're indestructible! I found it hard to believe something overpowered you."

He looked at you. "You never answered my question. Who are you? I understand that you hold some affection for me, from your actions, but..."

"Affection? By the Gods, you really have no memories! It is more than affection, Ezra! You and I, we were going to be in love some day! Maybe not right off the bat, but this isn't a fairy tale, and of course real love is built through experiences, not by sight." I said, laying my face on his chest. "I am Dr. Elizabeth Snow, but you call me Liza, or your little Snowflake." I said, hugging harder.

He ran a hand through my hair. "Your scent... It is familiar, though your name is not, nor your face. I believe I have indeed met you before. I apologize for initially doubting you. Now, my body is very weak right now, as I'm starved for energy, so I would ask that you release your Amazon Grip from my chest."

I smiled and released him. "Alright. Come." I pulled him out of the bunker and towards his house. No one had dared enter in five years. I opened the door, and said "this, this is your house, the one you built."

He looked around, walking inside. I walked in and closed the door, waiting. He finally spoke. "Something... Is missing."

I blinked. "No one has entered this room since you left."

He shook his head. "No. Something... In me. I remember the scent now. My shampoo. I do not smell it on myself, leaving an odd feeling."

I blushed. "Oh that... Yes, I borrowed it before you... Were taken. It smells good, and it reminds me of you, so I kept using it."

He nodded slowly. "I see. I understand. Scent is very important in the animal kingdom, as are markings. Mine have changed, thus your hostile reaction."

I giggled. "No, Ezra. I reacted angrily because I thought you left willingly, and marked your perfect skin, to commemorate your trip. It angered me because I assumed it was willing. That you left me here, just a year before you promised to be mine." I touched his face, smiling when I felt his chiseled cheekbones, and sculpted Jaw. "You truly were built with an Angels face and Voice..."

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