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^^Some pretty art for Superman/Wonder Woman.^^

--- Diana's POV ---

I watched Ezra's face as he seemed to sleep peacefully. His heart was barely beating, and he was in a deep coma, with a total of 11 bullet holes. His lungs were perforated in two spots each, one of his kidneys was ruined, and his heart had a small gouge ripped out of the bottom of it. That was only his organs. The rest hit his ribs or shoulders and one hit his pelvis.

Damien was in better shape, having only been hit with the bullets that went through Ezra. Four bullet holes, one in his lung, and three in his left rib cage. He was healing well, thankfully.

But the person in the worst shape was Steve Trevor. He had a grand total of 26 bullet holes, one rip in his guts, two destroyed kidneys, a hole in his liver, one completely swilled lung, one destroyed eye, about 15 non-lethal wounds, and one miraculously unharmed heart. Then a random bullet hole in his foot, that stumped us until Artemis said he did it to keep himself awake.

He'd had less than a liter of blood in him when we got them to a doctor, and they'd had to put more than a gallon into him, as he just kept bleeding. Oddly enough, he was awake, if unable to move much, and he'd gotten his wish, stealing a kiss from Artemis.

I sighed, holding Ezra's hand. "You need to wake up, my child. Wake up, and tell me what you want... Do you want me to make them kneel in obedience, or in defeat? Or do you not want to hold a grudge? I can't decide for you..."

"Think of his personality. What would he want?" Superman said from the doorway.

I sighed again. "He'd make them sign a non-aggression treaty or something equally binding, and then leave them be." I said.

"Most likely. Sounds like him. Calculating, clean, and swift reaction all rolled into one." He said.

I nodded. "Then that's what I'll do." I said. "But I don't know how far I'll get with the fact that I killed the last president in a fit of wrath... In front of thousands of witnesses."

"And that's why I'll be there too." Batman said from the doorway. "I'll keep my emotions in check, superman will keep you in check, and superman will keep himself in check. They wouldn't dare do anything stupid."

I nodded. "Then let's go. I want this solved before he wakes up."

A small voice interrupted me. "Too late, madre... Supes, help me sit up? And where's my bracelet, I'm in no position to control my abilities right now. I'll continue healing without my powers." He sounded weak, but despite the fact that he was Swiss cheese, he looked hale enough.

I quickly hugged him tightly, but not too tightly, and helped him sit up like he asked. I sat next to him. "How do you feel, my child?"

"Like hell. But I'm alive and kicking. Batman. How's Damien, and Steve?" He asked, accepting his bracelet from Superman.

"Alive. Steve is awake. Robin is in a healing coma, like you were. J'ohn is optimistic he'll survive and recover in no time." Batman answered.

He smiled. "Good. Time for me and the president to have a little talk about shooting my friends. Where is he?"

I coughed into my fist, and Superman said-. "Unfortunately, Diana broke Batman's creed... He's six feet under by now."

He slowly looked at me, then sighed. "Naughty woman, stealing my targets." He smiled. "And I wasn't going to kill him. Unless either of them, Steve or Damien, died. Then he was dead to me."

"Well, too bad." I smiled and shrugged.

"How's Victor and TJ? Did anyone feed them?" He asked.

Athena spoke from the doorway. "I did. They're feeble, and very old, but they eat well. I think they'll survive for about a year or so more. Unfortunately, they do not live as long as humans."

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