First Mission

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--- Ezra's POV ---

"Hey, Batman. What's up, sir?" Robin answered the call.

"Is Ezra there?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I answered.

"Good. I need you, Aqualad, and M'gan. Robin, you, Connor, Kid Flash, and Artemis are going on a mission. They're going on a separate, but connected mission. Is this clear?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I said, standing at attention.

"Good. Aqualad, your team is going to the South China Sea. Aquaman's orders, some pirates have a large group of young Japanese women hostage and are demanding ransoms from the government of Japan. Aquaman is tied up with Atlantean legalities, so you're going in, and getting those women out."

"Yes, sir." Aqualad said.

I spoke up. "What are my orders, sir? Do I temper my blade, or let them feel an accelerators wrath?" Code for, 'can I use my powers? Or am I using my human abilities?'

"Don't kill anyone, obviously, but if you can fight without killing with a blade, like Kaldur, then feel free. But be careful. We signed a treaty, Ezra." He said.

Sigh "Yes sir." I nodded.

Batman spoke again. "Now. Robin. Your team goes to South Africa. Same situation, but the hostages are mixed gender and ages. A ships crew, not slaves."

"Yes sir. We'll get it done. When do we leave?" He asked.

"Right now. We're in a time crunch. Ezra. You'll have to fly in the ship. Suck it up. Robin, take Wonder Woman's plane. She granted you the use of it for this time. But don't blow it up." Batman said.

"And afterwards?" I asked.

"Aquaman also requested to see you again, and Aqualad, and Connor. Something about 'Superpowered Boys Night'. I assume he wants to arm wrestle you again." He shrugged.

I laughed. "He's probably still sore from losing last time."

"Probably." He said, and cut off the call.

"Yo, what about me?" Wally said.

I shrugged. "Didn't mention you." I went into my room and dressed in my battle gear, then picked up my swords. 'Hmm... He said no killing... Nah.' I replaced them on the bed, and instead took a pair of hunting daggers, and a bag of explosive marbles, along with some other gadgets. 'Smoke screens, knives, explosives, wrist computer... I'm good.'

I walked out of the room, and threw up my hood, sliding my mask on. My infrared vision kicked in, and I turned it off. I sat in M'gan's ship. I looked at the others. "What?" I asked.

"That was quick." Aqualad said appreciatively, sitting next to me, and arming himself.

I looked at him. "Alright. So tell me what will cripple you in this fight? Allergic to heat, like Martian Girl, obsessive 'don't kill the fishies' or... What?"

"Yes. Too much heat is bad for Atlantean's." He nodded. "But we eat fish in Atlantis. So no on the second one."

"Alright. So I'll handle any fire related incidents. Now. I want you to understand beforehand, I'm not insulting you intentionally."

"Uhm... Why-"

"If we need to abandon this mission to save the team, will your obsessive loyalty to your king prevent me from pulling you out of a burning ship?" I asked bluntly.

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