War World and Twins

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--- Ezra's POV ---

I restrained myself as the doctors cut her open. I almost left the room, but I had to be there in case the babies' powers awakened early. Yes, it was twins. Just my luck, hmm?

It was a relatively uneventful procedure. As they went to staple her stomach closed, I raised a hand, and her skin and muscles and womb sealed themselves, the flesh merging perfectly, with only a thin white scar. The doctor nodded. "That makes this so much easier. Alright. Nurse, the Fetus's status?"

"Stable. We've placed them into the Incubation chamber, and reconnected to umbilical cord as directed. They're breathing healthy, and evenly." The nurse replied, and I smiled.

"Are they without any damaging defects?" I asked.

"Yes. Without a doubt, your children are healthy. Some of the healthiest I've seen. And if the girl is anything like her mother, she'll be beautiful." The nurse smiled.

"Hmm... My hair and eyes, and Liza's looks. Interesting. That will be definitely interesting. And the boy? Any problems?" I asked.

"None, none at all." She smiled. "Two weeks, maximum, and they'll be ready. Why were they removed, if they were so healthy, may I ask?"

"My family has a serious birth defect. When we're born, it's a 100% mortality rate for the mother. Every time. I wasn't letting that happen." I shook my head.

She blinked. "Alright, if that's the case. Now, just sign here, and you'll be able to take them home. Normally we wouldn't let you, but you have an entire lab, as you've shown, and an accomplished Doctor, so you'll be fine."

I nodded and signed the paperwork, saying I don't blame the hospital if anything went wrong, blah blah blah.

Liza started to wake up, and I rushed to her side. "Hey, snowflake. How's it hanging?" I grinned.

She grimaced. "Peachy. My womb was just ripped out."

"Actually it's still there, and mostly healed. Only the Embryonic sack was removed, so everything down there is still fully functioning." I grinned.

"Punk." She sighed, punching my arm with her left hand, the one with the ring. I yelped in real pain, as that punch was strong enough to bruise even Superman.

She grinned and I sighed. "Alright. Get some rest, love, and we'll be out of here in the morning. Then, two weeks, and we'll have our children. Simple."

"Not that simple, but sure, babe, whatever you say." She yawned and went back to sleep.


I opened the door to my room, three days later, and smiled. Liza was sleeping with May between her arms, tangled up in Liza's clothes and arms. May was Michaels youngest Daughter, at only 3 years old, (though she claimed 3 1/2) She was a tiny little thing, but smart as a whip.

 May was Michaels youngest Daughter, at only 3 years old, (though she claimed 3 1/2) She was a tiny little thing, but smart as a whip

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