Children are Mean

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^^ a basket of Siamese kittens.^^
You're welcome.

--- Achilles' POV ---

I thrust the wooden sword sharply, and disarmed my opponent with insulting ease, then placed my own sword against her neck. "Dead." I said in Japanese, as that was her native tongue.

The teacher stood. "Good, Achirres-San! Very Good! Very swift! Now, does anyone wish to challenge Achirres-San before practice is over? It will be a learning experience, I assure you!"

Marty stood up, grinning, and picked up her wooden sword. "I'll whip him for you, Mai-Lin-San." She said cockily, eyes challenging me as much as her words. I moved into a ready stance, and waited for the words.

"Oh, Marty-San? Yes, alright. And, begin!" He said. I was already moving before the word ended, and we met in the center as he finished the word.

We went full speed, dodging, thrusting, parrying, as if this was a real battle. Artemis was her trainer, and mine was Athena, so we were very skilled. Soon, grandmother Diana would teach us.

I saw an opening, and waited... waited... Then I struck, with my full speed and strength, stabbing her in the right knee, as she stabbed my right shoulder. I was left handed, and she was right dominant. In terms of crippling blows, mine won, and she knew it from her scowl as she stepped back.

The teacher wiped sweat from his brow. "Achirres-San is-" he started.

"I guess that clinches it, Achirres-San is the winner, again. He is still undefeated, hmm? I guess you're all chumps, this primary school team, if you can't beat this twerp." One of the older swordsmanship club members said in Japanese and laughed.

I looked at him. "This twerp understands and speaks Japanese quite well, and could whip you with one hand and no weapon." I said snidely.

He stiffened. "Is that a challenge, kid?"

"Yes. I'm calling you out on your words. Now pick up a weapon and spar me, so I can put your mind at ease." I clearly challenged him.

The teacher nodded. "Alright. Do it, Yasanagi. I am also tired of your arrogant words."

Yasanagi, now caught in a trap of his own making, came to the decision to fight me. He armed himself and stood across from me, sleeves rolled up correctly. He raised his sword in a traditional stance, and the teacher raised a hand. I dropped my sword to the side, eyes locked on him.

"Be-" my fist dug into Yasanagi's gut, throwing him onto his back, unconscious. "-gin." He finished the word. He blinked. "Oh. Seems that is done already. Good. Now, practice is over. Run home, children. The National Championships are tomorrow at 02:00 pm, and hosted in our prestigious Dojo, so don't be late!"

"Yes, teacher!" We replied, and bowed, then started cleaning up.


"I still don't know why we go to school in Japan if we live in New Sparta." I asked mother as she brushed Marty's hair. I was lounging on my bed in Marty and I's room.

She smiled. "Because it's an amazing school, and I know the teacher. He's an old friend, he went to college with me. His boyfriend was my best friend. And May goes there, as well, so there's that." She said.

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