The Second Sons

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^^ the coast of New Sparta ^^ it has canyons almost evenly spaced around the entire border, accented by extreme cliffs. Almost perfectly defensible. The only cold place on the island is at the top of the cliffs, where it is frozen tundra yearlong. It's half jungle and half tundra. Perfect for training soldiers for a lot of different terrains.

--- Ezra's POV ---

I led the children towards their Campsite. As we arrived at the lake, I grinned. "Here we are, guys. Welcome to your new home."

"Where is the house?" One kid asked.

I grinned. "That's the best part. You get to make your own. Look up. See that?" I pointed to the second apartment I'd built. It was more of a clubhouse, honestly. I slept in Diana's home, most of the time. My Apartment had simply become a laboratory with a bed and fridge.

They gasped. "Cool!"

"Yep. I built that, and it's my Cabin. You'll all build your own Cabin, one big cabin, with beds for all of you. It's the first task and last. You'll constantly improve on it for the next few years. I'll help with the foundation, but after that you're on your own. Understand?" I said.

"But we don't know how to build a house?" One said.

"You'll have to learn, then. I suppose until then you'll sleep in the Tents Steve gives you." I shrugged.

Steve had arrived silently. He dropped a giant bag full of tent supplies. Strong sticks and thick canvassing. Perfect for an All-weather tent.

"I'd learn how to build a house before Hurricane season." I shrugged. "Now. Where you'll build is a problem. See, there's Rules on this Island. One: Take care of each other. Your brothers now, all of you. Two: don't destroy the island. It's a beautiful place. No cutting down trees, no polluting the water, understand? Three: if you meet anyone on the island, if you don't recognize them, report it to me or one of the instructors. This is a private island. We don't like intruders. Understood?"

"Sure." "Yeah." "Got it."

Steve narrowed his eyes. "Answer all Questions with 'Yes Sir/Ma'am', or 'no sir/ma'am', Understood?" He barked.

"Yes sir." They said.

I grinned. "Good. Now. You. What are the rules?"

"Uhm... Take care of each other, don't destroy the island, report all intruders, and answer all questions with 'yes/no sir/ma'am'." He said dutifully.

I nodded. "Alright. Your Name?"

"Seth." He said.

"Where are you from?"

"Louisiana?" He asked.

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Louisiana, sir." He said decisively.

I nodded. "Better. Alright. Boys, introduce yourselves, get to know your new brothers. You'll have 24 hours from now to get to know each other while we set up the Foundation for your cabin. Training begins at exactly 08:00 tomorrow morning. After that, it'll be 05:30 every morning. Dawn. Understood?"

"Yes sir!"

I nodded. "Alright. Superman? Want to help me set these?" I gestured to the twelve giant 24-by-4's. Mammoth Beams that are as big as entire trees.

He nodded, and we started to set the beams deep into the rocks, digging the foundation almost all the way into the dirt, like a bomb shelter. We set them in the holes, using a Lincoln-Log setup to add stability. Superman went to burn the dirt along the walls, to prevent it from collapsing, but I stopped him.

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