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--- Ezra's POV ---

Someone banged on my door, and Victor barked weakly. I growled at the door, still mostly asleep, and pegged a shoe at it. "WHAT?!" I roared sleepily in Spanish, and staggered out of bed, still wearing nothing but underwear. "DOESN'T THE DOOR MAT MAKE SENSE? CAN YOU NOT READ?!?" My door mat said in no uncertain terms, 'Fuck Off'. I ripped open the door, snapping the hinges, and growled at the person in front of me that I couldn't see very well. "Well?" I said in a more reasonable tone, and waved a hand. The hinges fell off and a new set started bolting themselves to the doorframe. They started connecting as I slowly woke up enough to register a frozen Liza, who looked absolutely terrified.

I blinked. "Oh! Liza! Sorry? I'm horrible in the mornings after I pass out from Radiation Withdrawals. I've been so tired lately, I can't feel my fingers or toes... Anyway, what's up?" I asked, snagging some pants and a shirt, dressing quickly, falling a few times.

She cleared her throat, looking away. "I... There are people here to see you. Lots of people. And they're all dressed weird."

I froze. "Oh god... Is the carnival trying to kidnap me again? Sigh." I grinned and ignored my shirt I'd picked up. Pants was enough. It was hot out there. She chuckled weakly. I slowly flew over the rail of my apartment that I'd whipped up last night. I stopped next to her. "I really am sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I said, rubbing my neck.

She smiled slightly. "It's alright. We all get grumpy sometimes. But if you can't feel your toes and fingers, that's not good. Seriously."

I shrugged. "I just need some gas in the tank. Happens every month or so." She raised an eyebrow, and I smiled. "My species doesn't survive on food or sleep. We eat energy. Without it, we get... Well, we die. Slowly. And we go through the pissed off old person routine a lot. So sorry. I'll go find some radiation to leech off of." I smiled, and leapt off the railing.

I landed on the sparring ground, and grinned. The league decided to visit. "Hey, guys and gals! What's shaking?" I asked.

Superman walked over, and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's good to see you on your feet, Ezra. I went saw you in the hospital. Batman as well. Hell, even Lantern decided to pop by."

I smiled. "I'm fine. Did you meet the Medic? Dr. Snow?" I looked at Batman.

He nodded. "Robin told me some things. I learned a bit more. Not much to know. I looked everywhere. She's clean. Annoyingly so."

"Hey, at least she has a parking ticket." I grinned.

"Speeding ticket. 7 miles over the speed limit on a highway. Hmph." He lowered his voice and stood next to me, leaning down slightly. "Anyway, she's clean. Good for you. You found a good one, kid."

I laughed. "I know. She's perfect."

"Perfect for what?" Said woman spoke behind me.

"Perfect to be the first and only Mrs. Ezra." I winked, grinning.

She smirked. "I'm sure you'll have to work harder at it. Yell at me again, and I'll take your tongue."

I bowed my head. "My humble apologies, Queen snow, my royal manners eluded me in my state of near-death."

Superman grabbed my shoulder. "That time again?" He asked.

I nodded, and he hummed, squaring off with me. His eyes started to glow, and I began sucking in energy as he shot me with his laser eye beams.

I was quickly sated, and he stopped. I smiled and smacked my lips in an 'ah!' Moment. "Tastes like sunlight, slick! Very nice." I looked at Liza. "May I introduce Superman, my favorite source of Vitamin D?"

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