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--- Ezra's POV ---

--- Twelve hours ago, Daily Planet ---

"You... Got what?" Lois barked at Clark, as I watched from the shadows.

"I got an interview with Ezra, the Accelerator." He said, smiling. "He wants to give me a tour of the island, let me see the training of the militants, answer some questions, even maybe get me an interview with Wonder Woman, his mother."

She opened and closed her mouth like a dying fish. "Uhm... Uhm..."

"So I'll need four days off, sort of. I'll be working, but I'll be out of the country." He said.

She nodded slowly. "I'll talk to the boss..." She said faintly, and stumbled into the main office.

I heard yelling in the office, then "KEEEEEEEENNNTT!!!!" He sprinted into the office, and I followed stealthily. "Kent, I want you to explain how you got this interview." The chief said.

I stepped forward, my hood still up. "I offered." I said, smiling.

They stood up quickly, and Clark looked at me. "Ezra, what... What are you doing here?"

"I'm bored." I shrugged. "Anyway, chief, can I call you chief?"


"Alright, Chief. Listen. I'm doing this because I'm tired of people thinking New Sparta is going to take over the world, or whatever." I shrugged.

"You're not? I thought you were?" He eyes me warily

"No. Well, the Second Son Initiative isn't. I might, who knows, but I'm not connected to them, not fully. Not anymore. I helped start it, but at most I'm a math teacher now for the younglings." I shrugged.

"Alright, so why Kent? Why not Lois?" The chief asked me, ignoring my takeover bid joke.

"Honestly? Lois met Wonder Woman once. They didn't... Get along." I shrugged. "I knew Kent from the story five years ago, the Congress Session? He wanted an interview, but I shot him down. Didn't want people's first view of me to be me in a wheelchair, covered in bullet holes. Bad for PR when you want to be seen as peaceful." I said.

The chief nodded. "True... Alright. I have a counter offer. Take both of them, and only have Kent do the WW interview."

"Okay. Another thing. There are rules to New Sparta. There are exactly three women who are even allowed on the island that aren't Amazons. The Doctor who we have at all times in case there's an injury that's beyond first aid. Our diplomatic representative, Anna Prince, (another way I know Kent), And SuperGirl, who really goes wherever the hell she wants, so we don't try to stop her." I said.

He scratched his goatee. "A male version of Themiscura. Makes sense. Alright. Fine. Kent. You were sniffing around that promotion to senior journalist. You bring me a full, well worded article, and it's yours."

"Aww, that means I can't be your boss anymore." Lois grinned. "And why would Anna Prince be a connection to Kent?"

"You met her once, I believe? They were on a date that you mistook for an interview? Yes, well. It was amusing, as was her retelling of it. She also didn't like you, I have to say. Your implication that you and Clark were close was the cause of a few arguments. Very naughty of you, Lois." I shook a finger, grinning.

AcceleratorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon