New Sparta

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^^ Prime Lookout Tower ^^

It's situated between two cliffs, but they never quite dip all the way down, so the building continues back into the 'valley' between the two 'Cliffs'(really one cliff with a divot in the side.) Faces the ocean, and is only visible when Ezra permits it.

--- Ezra's POV ---

I leapt out of the plane, carrying the three suitcases Liza had with her, well... She wouldn't let me carry the fourth, so mother grabbed it. From her willingness to let mother take it, I deduced it was most likely the one she had put her unmentionables in.

I saw her Cabin, floating across the lake from my own, attached by a rope bridge, and grinned. "There she is. What do you think?" I asked.

She blinked. "How is that... Is that house levitating?"

I nodded. "Yep. Come on." I stepped on the white circle in front of the place, and floated upwards slowly. I stepped off of the pillar of air and onto her porch. "It's safe, trust me." I said, waving her forward.

Mother stepped onto it, and floated upwards as well. Liza seemed to center herself, and stepped onto the circle. She floated upwards, hands out to balance, and stepped onto the porch. "Wow. That's odd." She shivered.

I blinked. "Not too weird, right? I can build stairs, if you don't like the elevator?"

She shook her head. "I'll get used to it. So what was the Yellow circle?"

"That's the 'Down' elevator. They're one-way trips." I shrugged. "I haven't figured out how to make them switch yet."

She nodded, and I handed her the key to the locked door. "There you go. Take a look. It's modeled after mine, so anything you don't like, tell me, and I'll fix it." I said.

"Yours?" She asked.

Pointed at the bridge and my Cabin across the Lake. "My Cabin. Though Dr. Palmer may be using it now, as it's the Teachers Cabin. The original is my apartment above Themiscura." I shrugged.

She nodded and opened the door, slowly stepping in. I placed her bags in the room, as she explored. "Wow... You say a group of children built this?"

"Yes. Probably had help from Artemis, Ray, and Steve, but mostly. Their training includes building buildings. Everything around the island except my towers and my Cabin was built by them." I said.

"Towers?" She asked.

I grinned. "You'll see. They're invisible, and it's an ongoing game with the kids to see if they can find them all. They've found two so far."

"How many are there?" She asked, sitting on the feather bed. "Are these... Feather beds and pillows?" She asked incredulously.

"Yes. The kids made them, I assume, with the feathers of the birds they'd caught." I said. "And the towers... If you can find even one, I'll tell you all you want to know about them." I grinned.

She huffed. "No fair. I'm a city girl."

"I may leave clues." I shrugged. "Anyway, anything you need me to change?"

"Uhm... First, please don't tell me I have to bath in the lake?" She hesitantly said.

I laughed. "No, we'd never make you bathe with the guys. You have a shower and bathroom." I pushed open a wall panel, in the shape of a mirror. "It's one way, so you can see into your cabin while in the Restroom, but no one can see in." I said.

She smiled. "Very nice. And plumbing?"

I nodded. "Of course. The kitchen should be fully stocked, and someone should bring you supplies every week. Anything else, or would you like to meet the kids?"

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