First Strike

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--- President's POV ---

"Sir, there's something you need to see." My aide said, handing me a thin folder. I opened it, and he continued. "Our satellites picked up something odd, and we looked further into it." It was a picture of a plane, flying through the Caribbean, and disappearing three frames later. About an hour later, by the time stamps, it passed out of whatever blank spot it entered.

"That, is a military grade, AC-175. Fully upgraded, fitted with weapons. A military transport." He said.

I nodded. "Not one of our sites... Who? Asia? Europe?"

"Europe, by long distance connection. Greece." He said.

"... New Themiscura?" I asked.

"Yes, sir. They seem to have opened a second site on International Waters, and we looked further into it. Here." He handed me a second folder, and it held pictures of a beautiful island, and several children. They seemed to be playing with sticks.

"What does this tell us?" I asked impatiently.

"Turn the page, sir."

I flipped to the next picture. A boy with white hair, sparring with another boy, and the picture was blurred, indicating speeds that could confuse a military grade camera.

"Keep going."

I turned it again, and the picture was of the white haired boy running at the camera, a sword in his hand. The last picture was of him swinging downwards, and blood on the camera. I dropped the folder onto my desk. "Okay... Is the photographer dead?"

"Not yet, sir. They threw him into the ocean, and we collected him. He's in critical condition, but it seems the boy didn't mean to kill him, only wound him. The doctors are optimistic." He said.

I sighed. "Alright... Where is this? Why was he keeping secrets? Who funds them, I need information."

"Well, sir... It seems that the Justice League is building an army. Of children." He placed a picture on the desk, of Wonder Woman, Robin, two more Amazons, an older grey-haired Soldier, and then the White-haired boy, all frowning and talking, over a map of the island.

"How did we get this picture?"

"The satellite managed to get through for a split second, and that's what was captured. This was during the Tropical Storm we named 'Ashley', sir. They were conducting a military drill of some kind."

I twiddled my thumbs, thinking. "I see... What does the Justice League want with Child Soldiers?"

"Well, sir, we managed to catch video of Batman Recruiting orphans for the program, which he called the 'Second Son Initiative'. It seems that They're building an army for some eventuality. Something about 'when the other guy has an army, you need one too.' It sounded like they planned for someone to attack them soon. Or they had plans for preemptive action." He said, and I nodded.

"So they don't have one yet... Just the trainees... I understand. They're training them the Spartan Way, starting as children. Makes sense. And by only enlisting volunteers from orphanages for long-term training, not service, they avoid breaking the Child Drafting Charters... Dammit... We have no premise to demand they stop what they're doing... Alright... Get me information on that White Haired boy and the Grey Haired man. They seem to be the main instructors... If we get them..." I hummed.

"The man is Steve Trevor, an Ex-Soldier from the UN. Special forces, distinguished service. Works for the JLA currently. The boy is an enigma. Not even the JLA have anything on him. We... asked." He said.

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