It Has To Be Perfect

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--- Ezra's POV ---

I flew faster than I'd ever flown in my entire life, holding Liza in my arms, and skidded to a halt in front of mother.

"Ma! We got a problem!" I barked.

She looked at me coldly. "Oh? What could it be? Are you going to argue with me again? Hmm? Or maybe-"

"LIZA'S PREGNANT!" I roared over her rant.

She halted her tirade, blinked, and looked at Liza. "What?"

Liza smiled. "Yep."

"Why are you smiling? Don't you understand what happens when an Accelerator is Born?!?" I hissed.

She blinked. "No? Is it bad?"

Mother grabbed her shoulders and walked her away a bit, and explained. I heard her gasp, and she came back, then kissed my cheek. "We'll figure this out. Don't worry. It's not the end of the world." She smiled.

I blinked. "It might be." I mumbled, and kissed her forehead.

Mother smacked my shoulder. "Don't be a downer. Go celebrate. We'll figure out everything else later."

I growled, my hair buzzing with electricity. "I want to figure it out now, and save us all the trouble."

She flicked my nose. "Take care of your woman first, dummy."

I looked at Liza, and picked her up. "I'm sorry for freaking out, snowflake." I said, laying my forehead on hers.

"I understand. I thought you'd be happy, but-"

"Lover, I'm extremely happy. But I'm scared for you. Accelerators grow up without their mothers, and only the fathers who've just lost wives to raise them. It is usually a horrible, horrible childhood. And I don't want to lose you, in any case. I'll think of something that saves both of you. I already have a few ideas." I smiled, and kissed her nose. "Don't worry about a thing. Let's get you comfortable." I said, and carried her over to my mother's sofa.

She looked around. "Wait... Is this... Themiscura?" I nodded. "We were in New Sparta." She said, and I nodded again. She smiled. "Well alright then."

I smile and stood, eyeing the woman who'd just walked in. I didn't recognize her. I showed my canines, and she blinked, backing away quickly. Mother placed a hand on her shoulder. "May. What's wrong? Do you need me?"

The woman shook her head. "I heard yelling, and came in to see if you needed me."

Mother smiled. "No, just some good news. Get Athena, please." The woman nodded and ran off. "Athena will take good care of her, Son." She said to me.

I nodded. "I know. I trust Athena. I'll apologize to that one later. I meant no offense."

She smiled. "We both know that's a lie."

I grinned. "Then I regret scaring her needlessly."

"Better." She shrugged. "If you regretted it. Now. What are your ideas, while we wait?"

I nodded. "Well, an Accelerators power is awakened at the exact moment of birth. When the mother pushes, the baby pushes back. Bad things happen. But if the child was removed prior to that point, and placed in an artificial Incubation Pod, that could be raised into the atmosphere by me, and I could protect myself from the blast, easily."

"Thus, you have saved your lover, and the baby, and the island." Mother said.

I nodded. "Or I could attempt to neutralize the gene, so he or she wasn't an accelerator at all, but I don't know it'll that's moral or even possible. It could end badly."

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