Leaving Home

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--- Ezra's POV ---

I leaped forward, and swung an elbow downwards, aiming at Robin's temple. He dodged, and I slung out a precisely timed kick to catch his side. It connected, but he rolled with it, and it did no discernible damage.

Rather, I was overextended, and he swung a roundhouse kick into my chest, throwing me back. I skipped like a stone once, twice, and landed on my feet. The watching 40 cadets made sounds of praise, ooh's and ahh's.

He smiled. "You're learning fast, kid. Took me years to learn how to land on my feet from a hit like that!"

"Too bad, I'm just better at taking a beating." I grinned, and ran at him. I kicked out three separate kicks as fast as possible, and only the last connected with his shoulder, tossing him away from me right into the knee I swung with all my might.

It slammed into his stomach, and he flew back, skipping and bouncing almost half a dozen times. I grinned and helped him up after splashing water on him to wake him up. "I finally won one!" I cheered, and mother laughed.

"Yes, one. He's beaten you almost ten times today, and he'll beat you ten more tomorrow. You've got a long way to go before you're equal with him in fighting capability." She said. "But good work. Very thoughtfully executed."

"Gee thanks, ma." I chuckled, and the kids laughed.

She smiled and shrugged. "Just being honest. Now. The next spar, because you won that one, is with Artemis, your other instructor."

I gulped, and cracked my neck. "Okay... Then I choose the weapon... wooden staff. I'd rather not be disemboweled by an Overzealous Amazon."

The Amazon in question stood, cracked her knuckles, and picked up two staffs, tossing one into my hands. I sighed and made ready, focusing. That's the only way I'll win this. Or survive.

She struck out randomly, but I was ready. I darted under the blow and slammed the staff down on her ankle, distracting her from the kick aimed at her face.

Her staff slammed down on my face, completely without warning. I blinked, not registering the pain yet, and decided to go with it. I swung the other end of the staff up, and succeeded in touching her temple, just as her booted foot slammed into my stomach.

I skidded away, and voided my stomach on the sand of the arena, clutching my gut. I spat, and stood. "Ow." I cracked my neck. She grinned and waved arrogantly.

I threw my spear at her as hard and fast as I could, completely surprising her, and sprinted forward. It caught her shoulder as she turned to dodge, and she turned faster, giving me her back. I leaped over her, as she turned back swiftly, making her completely miss me, and picked up my staff. I whacked her upside the head, and she fell, unconscious.

I dropped my staff and sat down heavily, huffing for breath. "Geez she's a tough old lady."

Athena laughed loudly. "That's not nice." She said.

"And yet you're laughing. I guess you're not nice either." I shrugged. "Now... Whose next? Is it my funeral this time?" I asked.

Athena leapt into the ring, holding her bow, and I looked at mother. She smiled. "Don't kill him." Was all she said.

"Gee, thanks, ma." I groaned and picked up a shield and sword.

"Good luck, darling." She smiled.

I grumbled under my breath, and barely dodged an arrow aimed at my exposed throat. It slit the skin of my shoulder, and I hissed in annoyance. I ran forward, shield properly placed now, and charged Athena. She calmly shot three arrows at the same time, and all three hit the same spot, penetrating my shield and also my forearm.

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