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Early update this time! So I just finished planning out the chapters of this story and honestly I am so excited for it. It's going to be awesome (or I hope so anyway)


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Chapter 5



"Were you all bitten?" Liam asked them out of the blue. 

Right now they all were sat in the car on their way to meet management because there was this new person they had to meet. They didn't know much about this new guy since Paul didn't tell them much about him. 

The boys have been on the edge ever since last night because they were afraid that any minute Liam was going to flip out on them or just run away. But Liam showed no sign of doing so, he had been acting the usual. He just kept on asking them questions again and again. 

"He knows?!" Paul asked, as he looked at the 4 boys through the interior mirror. The 4 nodded back at him. 

"He knew?!" Liam asked, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. How is it that Paul knew and he didn't, that was so not fair.

"He's management so he had to know" Harry explained when he saw the hurt look on Liam's face. The only reason Paul knew was because he was supposed to help them on full moons and stuff. That was the only reason. 

"Anyway, are all of you bitten?" Liam asked. He knew a few things about werewolves because of his tiny obsession with Teen Wolf. 

Thinking about Teen Wolf got him wondering on something. Since werewolves are real does that mean that Scott, Derek and the others are actual werewolves?! And does that also mean that kanimas and druids, darachs and human sacrifices exist?

That would be so cool. 

"Liam! Are you even listening?" Louis asked, snapping the brown eyed boy out of his thoughts. Liam nodded at him, a small smile still on his face.

"Yeah" He replied.

"Niall was bitten when he was seven and Harry was also bitten when he was about ten" Louis explained.

"But me and Lou are born werewolves, that's why we're alphas" Zayn finished off. 

"Oh" Liam said as he took the information in, "Does that mean that your families are werewolves as well?"


But before Liam could reply to that, the car had stopped and they noticed that they were already at the management's office. 

"Get out then" Paul said. The boys glared at him playfully as they got out of the car and made their way in to the building, Paul walking behind them. Paul guided them into the office and they all squashed down on the couch, Liam in the middle. 

"I am guessing Paul told you why you are here?" One of their management members, Allan, said. The 5 boys let out a nod.

"We have a new member in Modest and it's important for you guys to meet him" As Allan said that, his eyes lingered on Louis, Zayn, Harry and Niall. 

Liam stared around, looking confused. Why was he always the only one who didn't know things?

"What is it?" Liam whispered in Louis' ear, who was sitting next to him. 

"I have no idea" Louis replied, shrugging. Honestly he had no idea why Allan gave them the look. Allan knew what they were so obviously it has something to do with that. 

"Where is he?" Harry asked Allan and only then had the other 4 noticied that the new member was no where in sight. 

"There" Allan nodded towards the door which opened and in came a man, who looked way too young to be part of Modest. He only looked a few years older than the boys. 

"Hey guys, I am Ian" He smiled as he made his way towards the boys and shook their hands individually and Liam was the only one who was happy to see Ian. 

The other four were staring at each other and back at Allan because now they understood why Allan gave them that look and they didn't have a comforting feeling about this. 

A few hours later, they were back home, after taking a few hours to know more about Ian and talk about the new album. While Liam was completely pleased with Ian and quite enjoyed his company, the other four weren't so sure. 

"What's wrong with him?" Liam asked as he sat down on the couch.

"He's one of us" Zayn muttered, still in deep thought. He didn't even look up to Liam. 

"One of who?" Liam asked before realization hit him and he let out a small "oh"

"He's a werewolf" Harry comfirmed. 

"But how do you know?" Liam asked. 

"We can smell them, we can smell everything even how you are feeling right now" Louis explained. 

"Is that why Allan gave you four that look?" 

"I guess so" 

"But what's so bad about Ian being one of you?" Liam asked, he didn't get why the boys were getting so worked up over it. There are lots of other werewolves out there, aren't they?

"We don't have a good feeling about him" Niall replied, chewing on his lip. 

"We don't think he's one of those good werewolves" Zayn ended.


Okay so another werewolf! I am loving this so far. Favourite chapter to write so far ^-^

Hope it was good though. 


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