XXVI. [last chapter]

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That was the only option left for Liam. I mean, there wasn't anything else he could do because he knew that as soon as he would go out, they would drop all those questions on him. Those questions that he really didn't want to answer. 

So he locked himself in- as much as even putting a chair and a table against the door (He lived in a house full of werewolves, It was only fair that he got some force against his door to prevent them from coming in. Despite the chair and the table Liam knew they would still be able to get it). 

And Liam wasn't just sitting in his bed, lazing around. 

Oh no. 

He did som- Okay, a lot of thinking. He made a mental list about all the things he liked about each of the boy- thinking it would help him decide on one of them but it just confused him further because fuck- He just couldn't pick one of them. He liked them all equally and all of the qualities. 

So Liam then decided to replay over his kisses shared with each of them and boy- that wasn't helpful at all. 

Liam groaned loudly, kicking the closet piece of furniture before he turned around and made his way back to his bed, sitting down. He placed his head between his hands closing his eyes in irritation- he just couldn't figure this out. 

How did he even get into this mess in the first place. 

just fuck. 

Liam just about to close his eyes and fall asleep- because perhaps that will help but he is stopped by his phone blaring out loudly in the silence of his room. Liam leaned back into his bed to pull out his phone from the back pocket of his jeans. He instantly frowned when he found Pauls' name flashing across. 

"Hey Pa-"

"Don't you dare hey paul me! Where on earth are you?" Paul exclaimed through the phone and Liam can imagine his eyes scrunched together and eyebrows creased together. Paul's angry and he's hardly ever angry- well when it comes to Liam, he is hardly ever angry. 

"What happened?" Liam asked as he stood up wrecking his brain to see if they had a concert or something tonight but nothing. 

"Liam, are you serious right now?" Paul hissed through. Liam heard some shuffling and some hushed murmuring as he guessed that someone had snatched the phone off Paul. 

And he was right because only a few seconds later, he found Zayn's voice talking through the phone instead of Paul's. 

"Hey Li?"

"What happened Zayn? Why is Paul so-"

"We had a meeting with management today remember?" Zayn interuppted, he sound a little tired and off- and Liam can't help but blame himself for that. He must have kept all of the boys up and worried. 

"I forgot" Liam sighed.

"I know, it's okay. Paul's just burning up for no reason. Can you get here? Use Lou's car" Zayn said, chuckling a little. 

"Yeah course, will get there as fast as I can"


The meeting only lasted for a hour but to Liam it felt like 5. He was sat between Louis and Harry through the whole thing and he hadn't mistaken the looks they all kept on shooting him and Liam knew that as soon as this meeting ended they were going to ask him. 

And he doesn't have his answer. 

He doesn't have their answer. 

As soon as the meeting ends and it only them in the room Liam finds 4 pairs of eyes on him and he instantly falls back into his seat, trying to make himself as small as possible. 

"So?" Louis started. 

"What?" Liam grumbled back. 

"Have you made up your mind yet?" Niall interuppted as Liam looked up to find Niall staring right back at him- his blue eyes a darker shade than normal. 

Liam stood up because sitting down between them all just wouldn't do him any good and he needed his mind to work. 


"I can't do this. I just can't" Liam stated.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. 

"It's not fair on any of you. I can't just choose one of you. Fuck- I know this wasn't how it was supposed to be but I just can't take one of you and still have feelings for the other three" Liam informed them. He stared at all of them- his heart beating loudly. 

"But what do you want?" It was Zayn this time, speaking up for the first time. 

Liam paused, staring at him with his mouth open. 

"All of you" He whispered. 

"Then what's the problem?" Louis asked slowly as he looked at the other boys. 

"I can't have you all! That's not fair on you guys" 

"But you want us?"

"Us all?"


"Then that's what you will get"


I don't really know about the ending...I tried to make it cool. Anyways, thank you all for voting and commeting on this story. There will be no sequels. This is the end. 

SO yeah. 







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