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helllooo , here's your next chapter. Hope you like it. 


Day 1- Louis. 

After a long night of the boys informing Liam of their "brillant" plan and then finally getting some sleep, Liam is woken up by Louis storming into his room with a bright smile on his face. Liam can't decide whether he should trust that smile or not but he just lets it slip by because he can't even get himself to think yet as he is still very much half a sleep. 

"LIAM! Get yo ass out of bed" Louis yelled as he grabbed Liam's arm and easily pulled Liam up. 

Liam glared at him when Louis shot him a knowing smirk. Of course, Louis was going to go on about how he is stronger than Liam even though he doesn't set a foot in the gym. And Liam couldn't argue because that was the truth. But only because Louis was a fucking werewolf. 

"What do you want?" Liam grumpled as he leaned against Louis' shoulder and closed his eyes getting as much sleep as he could before Louis decided to pull him up again. 

"As much as I would like to cuddle with you in bed, we have a long day ahead of us" Louis informed as he dragged his fingers through Liam's hair. 

Liam doesn't speak, he was too busy making himself comfortable in Louis' arms. Liam couldn't help it, Louis was just so cuddly and warm. If he was able to sleep in his arms all day long he would. 

"Li?" Louis asked as he looked at Liam, a smile forming softly on his face. 

Liam hummed, hiding his face further into Louis' neck. 

"Come on get up. You are mine for today and I will not be wasting a minute of this day" Louis stated as he pulled away from Liam, pecking his nose before he got out Liam's bed and made his way out of the room, leaving Liam staring behind him, blushing. 

Liam shook his head before he crawled out of his bed and headed straight for the shower. 

When the boys said that they wanted their plan to start as soon as possible, Liam didn't know they meant the next day. 

When Liam came out of shower, he found a pair of clothes already laid out on his bed and he couldn't help but smile. It was a pair of Louis' dark red jumper and his black skinny jeans. 

All of a sudden, arms snake around his waist and he feels a chin press against his shoulder. It's Louis, he can tell by the cologne. 

"What do you think?" Louis whispered hotly into his ear. 

Liam shivered and turned around in Louis' arm, facing the boy with a small smirk. Before Liam could manage to say anything Louis has his lips pressed against Liam's, taking the boy by surprise. Liam lets a surprised groan slip through his lips before he tugges at Louis' hair and is pulling the werewolf more towards him. 

Liam is very aware of the fact that he is still in his towel but he couldn't care less about that because Louis' mouth is working beautifully against his own and all he wants to do is kiss Louis all day long, just like this with Louis' arms roaming around his body and holding him just like this. 

"Fuck" Louis muttered and Liam is moaning because Louis' hands are inching closer to that knot he made on his towel. He grinds forward, buckling his hips into Louis' because he needs that bit of friction so very much. 

Then Louis stops him by placing his hands on Liam's waist, and meeting Liam's brown eyes with his own dark ones. It's only then that Liam's notices the change of colour in Louis' eyes. They are red, bright red. 

"Louis..?" Liam asks, worried that Louis was about to change. 

"Not going to hurt you" Louis whispers, more like growls but Liam chills and leans back into Louis' touch, resting his head against Louis' shoulder. Louis' mouth finds its way to Liam's neck and he is biting softly on to Liam's skin. Liam is letting out heavy breaths into Louis' neck because the feeling he was feeling right in that moment was sensetional. 

He digs his nails into Louis' back, aware of the fact that he was going to bruise Louis' skin but he couldn't care less. 

Just when Liam was about to give into Louis completely, the boy pulls away and shoots Liam a smirk. 

And Liam immediately stops. 

"You were teasing...weren't you?" Liam questioned, narrowing his eyes at Louis who barked out a small laugh and placed his lips to Liam's. 

"Maybe...I like seeing you all hot and bothered" Louis shrugged. 

Liam rolled his eyes at Louis before he gestured towards the door, Louis understood that Liam was telling him to get out but he didn't move. 

"Lou, I have to change" Liam said. 

"Go ahead then" Louis commented, folding his arms over his chest as he leaned against the wall. 

"I am not changing in front of you" Liam blushed. 

"Nothing I haven't seen before, Li" He was right, they all had seen each other naked before. But now was just different. Liam couldn't change in front of Louis without having his whole body blushing a colour of bright red. 

"I hate you" 

"Love you too" 


Okay, so that was the start of Louis' day. The next chapter will carry on with Lilo. Each bromance is going to get two chapters...does that make sense? 

So the lilo date was be this chapter and the next chapter then we will have the Ziam date for chapter 20 and 21. Then the Niam date for chapter 22 and 23 and then the Lirry date for chapter 24 and 25. Hope that makes sense. 


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