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They all started avoiding each other after that. 

Especially Liam, he wouldn't go outside his room unless he was in desperate need for food or the toilet and thankfully none of the boys tried to get him out to talk. He needed to think because in the last month, his life has completely flipped upside down. 

He has no ideas what was going on anymore. 

However, Liam didn't waste any time mourning around his room, he spend hours and hours researching on werewolves and mates. It was exactly what Louis had told him, "The wolf chooses their mate for them"

Right now, he was sitting on his bed cross legged with his laptop on his lap as he scrolled down on yet another article about werewolves mating. Liam's eyes scanned through the information he already before his fingers froze, his eyes focused on that one paragraph. 

"When a werewolf comes across their mate they can sense it. They feel an inexplicable urge to be near the individual. There is something compelling about the individual. They want to know everything about him or her. They want to spend time with the person. Inside, the werewolf will feel a sense of knowing they’ve found the right person, and they’ll no longer feel quite so alone. Everything will feel right, happy, and complete when they’re with their mate. It sounds so overly simplistic to just say that the werewolf will just “know” when they’ve found their mate…but it’s true."

Liam sighed, his eyes re-reading the paragrah before he closed his laptop shut and stared at the wall ahead of him. 

He had four werewolves who thought that he was their mate.

Liam's heart wasn't meant to race at that thought, was it? He wasn't meant to shiver at that thought.

But he did. His thoughts running straight to the kisses he shared with Louis and Zayn. Feeling their lips touch his own, their hands running all over his body, Zayn's warm hand on his waist and Louis' solid chest pressing against his own. He felt it all linger on his body. 

Liam snapped himself out of his thoughts, giving himself a quick kick for even thinking about those thoughts. Deciding that he needed to stop thinking about this all for a while, Liam got out of his bed and walked over to his room unlocking the door. 

He knew Zayn, Louis and Harry were out to do the grocery shopping since he had heard them talk about it earlier and Niall was still in his room. 

Liam bit his lip and stared at Niall's closed door nervously, he was worried about him. Niall had locked himself up in his room and he refused to talk to anyone. The thing was that Niall never stayed mad at them for so long except  this time he was. Sighing, Liam turned away from Niall's door knowing their Niall will be out when he wants to. 

Liam was half through his favourite episode of Friends when suddenly he heard a crash. At first he ignored it but when another crash was heard he knew where it was coming from and he instanstly stood up, turning the TV off before hurrying towards Niall's room. 

Liam pressed his ear against Niall's closed door and sure enough he heard more crashing and Liam was sure that Niall was crashing his room inside. What if someone else in there with him and they are having some sort of werewolf fight? What if Niall is hurt?

"Ni, open the door!" Liam yelled through the solid door he was standing against when he got no reply he glazed down at the door knob and pressed his hand against it hoping that the door was unlocked. 

And thanks god, It was. 

Niall's room was dark, the only light was coming from the crack of his closed curtains. Before, Liam could even thinking about turning the light, he is met by two glowing blue eyes very like Niall's.

Liam's back hits the wall as those blue eyes come closer and then it hits Liam, it's Niall. 

But Niall's in his wolf form; there's hair sticking out of his cheeks, his eyebrows are thicker than usual and there are claws. Liam didn't feel as calm as he did on that night of full moon when he was with Harry, maybe it's because of that raging anger in Niall's glowing blue eyes. 

Liam's hand reached out to touch Niall's elbow even though he knew that it wasn't exactly a safe move. Niall growled and he grabbed Liam by the waist, making their faces go incredibly close.

"Niall..." Liam whispered, low and carefully. He knew how Niall handled his tempers. He wouldn't calm down until someone was being gentle with him. Liam lifted his hand up Niall's cheek nearly pulling it back when Niall's sharp facial hair digged into his hand. 

Liam let out a breath, he didn't know he was holding in when he saw Niall slowly change back, his cheek now smooth against Liam's hand and his eyes now a colour of a less vibrant blue. 

While Niall slowly breathed in and out, Liam took that time to look around the room and surely enough Niall had trashed it. Most of his belongings were on the floor and half of his wall was punched into as well as his mirror. 

"What happened?" Liam asked Niall once he was sure the boy was back to normal. Niall looked up at him with ashamed eyes as if he was stared that Liam will hate him or something. 

"I don't know..."


So I decided to leave you guys at another cliffhanger...sorry not sorry. 

But I hope this chapter was okay and I am sure if the last chapter was a dissapointment, I got very less feedback on it so I am guessing you guys didn't like it much...


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