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Chapter 7

Hope you like it.


"So, what did you find out?" Liam asked as they sat down on a far end table, making sure there were no paps or fans around. 

They had decided to meet up at cafe after Zayn, Harry and Niall had finished their thing. 

"About what?" Zayn asked as he stared between Liam and Louis, trying to act innocent. Liam wasn't supposed to know about this.

"He's knows Zayn" Louis stated.

"You told him?!" Harry questioned sending a glare towards Louis when the boy let out a nod. 

"Have you heard him before? You can't shut him up till you tell him" Louis pointed out as he grinned at Liam who just blushed. Liam couldn't stop blushing after that little moment he had with Louis.

"So what did you find out?" Liam asked, changing the subject as he leaned forward on the table. 

"Nothing much. He's acting pretty much normal" Zayn replied. 

All they done was talk. Ian did ask them about being werewolves and how they dealt with it. He even asked them if Liam knew about werewolves but they just lied and said he didn't. It's wouldn't be safe for Liam if Ian knew about his knowledge of werewolves.

"His emotions?" Louis asked.

"They were calm and chilled out" Niall answered, a frown on his face. "Just normal"

"Am I missing something here?" Liam asked, having no idea as to what his band mates were talking about. 

"Werewolves can read emotions" Niall replied as if it was the simplest thing ever. 

"So you all can read what I am feeling right now?" Liam asked, eyes wide as he tried to stop himself from feeling something. That was just creepy.


"Not scared but scared" Louis grinned.

"That doesn't even make sense" Liam snapped back. He was so not scared of them, they were just his band mates and...werewolves. 

"Sure" Louis winked.

"I am going to go grab something to drink" Liam said as he got up and hurriedly walked over to the counter, the boys laughing behind him.

"He's okay, right?" Harry asked once Liam was out of reach. 

"Yeah" Louis replied. 

They talked a bit more about Ian and about the next full moon that was in 4 days. They knew that their management will be asking them to spent the full moon with Ian and this will give them a oppurtunity to see things. The only thing was that they wouldn't be able to look out for Liam. 

"We could ask Paul to stay with Liam for the night" Niall pointed out from where he was staring out of the window, making sure they were pap and fans free. Niall turned away from the window to find his band mates glaring at something.


"What shall we do?" Louis muttered, his hands clenching together.

"I say we go and say something" Zayn replied, his eyes narrowed just like Louis and Harry's. Niall stared between the three trying to decide what they were talking so furiously about because as far as he knew there weren't any other werewolves in here. 

"I say we go and fight" Harry growled. 

"How about you tell me what's going on?" Niall asked, snapping his fingers in front of their eyes.

"What?" Louis asked, an annoyed look on his face as he kept glancing over at the main counter. 

"I am a little lost here" Niall stated, giving him the "duh" look.

"Are you blind?" 

"Really Niall?!"

"Can't you see that guy flirting with Liam over there?" Zayn pointed and only then did Niall notice Liam talking to a guy that was way too tall and big for Niall. Niall noticed how close they were standing, how Liam was laughing and how those crinkles appeared by his eyes and now he understands what the boys were so worked up over. 

He felt possessive of Liam, like he needed to keep Liam to himself and not let anyone go anywhere near him. 

"Why are you sitting here and watching?" Niall nearly yelled, making Louis roll his eyes. 

"Do you have a plan then?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, one us of goes up there and grabs Liam and then we get out of here" Niall said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. Anybody could've thought of it. 

"Not bad. I say Zayn goes" Louis said as he faced the tan boy. 

"Why me?" Zayn didn't like watching someone else make Liam laugh but he didn't want to be the one that was dragging Liam away from someone. He could already imagine that sad puppy look on Liam's face and that look physically pained Zayn. 

"You have to go because you and Liam get on the best and Liam always listens to you" Harry said as he pushed Zayn easily out of his seat, even though Zayn was the alpha.

"Okay fine" Zayn said, glaring at them as he walked towards the counter. 

Liam immediately smiled at him when he saw Zayn walking over but he didn't stop talking to that blue eyed guy and again Zayn felt that fricking possessive feeling.

"Li, we have to go. Come on" Zayn tried not to look at Liam as he grabbed the brown eyed boy's arm and slowly pulled him away from the counter.

"But my cupcakes" Liam said as he quickly waved the blue eyed guy. Zayn shook his head as he placed an arm tightly around Liam's waist and walked him outside, knowing that the other boys were following behind. 

"We'll get you cupcakes later" Zayn said.

"Whatever. That was so rude, Zee" Liam said as he huffed.


Hope that was good. It's like midnight here and I am updating my storied. Weird...I know.

Apologise for any typo mistakes, like I said it's midnight here. 


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