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hello :)

sorry for the wait. Just got busy with things. The updates will get slower now as school's staring next week. 


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Chapter 8



Liam burst through the door, breathless as he leaned against the wall and caught his breath back. He stared at the boys arching an eyebrow up because he was pretty sure he heard them talking before he came in. 

"Why are you not talking anymore?" Liam asked as he leaned away from the wall and narrowed his eyes at his band mates.

"What are you talking about Payno?" Niall asked, but Liam knew very well that something was up because Niall had this worried glint in his eyes. 

"Don't "Payno" me" Liam said as he folded his arms and arched his brows up higher. Finally, Louis sighed and stood up from his bed. 

"It's full moon tonight" He said as he walked closer to Liam. Behind him, Liam could see all the boys exchanging glances. 

"Okay" Liam didn't know what else to say. 

"We need you to stay in your room for the whole night Li. Please, don't go anywhere or don't open your door. We don't trust Ian yet" Zayn spoke up as he walked up and stood beside Louis, his hand reaching out to grab Liam's arm.

"Paul's going to be with you but he's going to be no use against werewolves. So please just for this one night" Louis said. 

"Guys stop worrying. I'll be fine" Liam said as he gave them all a reassuring look. Liam couldn't explain how he felt right. He could see just how worried his band mates were for him and he wished they weren't. 

He hated seeing them like this.

"You should go now" Harry spoke up as he looked away from the window. Liam stared at Harry for a while because he seemed more worried than the others. He was just above to walk towards the curly haired lad when he felt Zayn pushing against his arm. 

"You need to go now, Li. The moon's coming out" Zayn said. Liam nodded, his eyes still focused on Harry as he opened the door. 

"Be careful and Paul should be waiting outside" And sure enough when Liam closed the door behind him, Paul was standing there. 

"Ready?" Paul asked as he walked Liam towards his door. 

"Think so? Are they always like this?" Liam asked.

"Well yeah. They are just worried about hurting you. Plus today they couldn't find a place to go as they aren't any woods or anything near by" Paul explained.

"Oh okay. You can come in if you want?" Liam asked as they stopped by his room. 

"No it's fine. Louis strictly told me to stand outside" Paul said, making Liam laugh.


Liam sighed as he turned around again, staring out of the window that showed him a clear view of the glowing moon. Liam turned again so that he wasn't facing the window and tried to close his eyes. 

He couldn't sleep. He's pretty sure he has been lying in his bed for 3 hours but he still couldn't get any sleep. He couldn't sleep knowing what was happening outside. For a moment he wished he was a werewolf as well so that he wouldn't have to miss on everything that was happening. 

A loud, hard knock was what snapped Liam out of his thoughts. He got out of bed and thinking it was probably Paul he opened the door. 

Liam instantly regretted doing so when he was greeted with two glowing yellow eyes. He immediately moved backwards, letting go off the door. Liam didn't know what to do because it was obviously too late to shut the door now. The growling figure was already moving it. 


That's the first thought that came to Liam mind but when the figure stood in the moonlight, Liam knew it wasn't Ian.

"Harry?" Liam gasped as he saw the familiar curls. It was impossible to recognise Harry by his eyes or his other features. Just his hair was normal. 

Harry just growled in response, edging closer to Liam as he did so. Liam was now pressed up against the wall, breathing heavily because he knew that Harry didn't know what he was doing. 

He would never scare Liam like. 

"You look so good like this. Fucking scared and bothered" Harry said as he walked closer to Liam. Liam opened his mouth to tell Harry that he wasn't scared but shut his mouth up when he felt a sharp claw run down his arm. 

Liam stared up into Harry's glowing yellow eyes, it felt weird because he was so used to Harry's green orbs. Liam was sure he stopped breathing when he felt Harry breathing on him and the weird thing was that he didn't find one thing about this scary. 

He was pressed up pretty close against a werewolf and he wasn't scared. Liam almost wanted to pat himself for it. 

Harry reached down, Liam gasped when he felt Harry's lips brush against his skin before he felt two sharp fangs dig into his skin. 

"Harry stop" Liam said as he tried to push Harry away but that was kind of useless. 

Just when Liam was sure he was going to faint and wake up as a werewolf he felt a strong force push Harry off him. Liam's fluttered open to find Zayn's staring back at him. How come he wasn't in his werewolf form?

"Harry, out now" Zayn growled as he pushed Harry out of the room. Harry must have snapped out of whatever it was because he was now whimpering helplessly and was giving Liam a apologetic look as he ran out of the room.

"How come you're human?" Liam asked Zayn. 

"Alpha. We have much more control over shifting shapes. But fuck, are you okay?" Zayn said as he ran his hands down Liam's arms, making sure he wasn't hurt. "Let me see your neck"

"Zayn I am fine but what about Harry?" Liam asked as he tilted his head back to show Zayn his neck. 

"I don't know" Zayn muttered. 


There you go. 

That was pretty long.


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Surprise! ╪ lirry.ziam.lilo.niamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang