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Day 4- Harry

"Beach?" Liam exclaimed, eyes going wide as he turned away from the window to look at Harry. Harry nodded, his eyes trained on the road although he couldn't help but glimpse at Liam every now and then. 

"You will like it, right?" Harry asked as he took hold of Liam's held and rubbed his palm gently. 

"Yeah, of course" Liam nodded. He shot Harry a smile and then looked back out of the window, humming softly to the radio.

The rest of the car ride went in silence, the sound of the radio was the only thing breaking it. They soon arrived at the beach- Harry parked his car in the corner and then they both stepped out. Harry walked around the car and then grabbed Liam's hand- Liam was looking around the beach before he turned to Harry with a frown. 

"Why is the beach empty?" Liam asked. 

"Harry Styles- It has its goods" Harry replied with grin as he pulled Liam towards the beach. 

"And paps?"

"No paps, I promise" Harry replied. He linked his arm through Liam's and grinned when Liam leaned up and pecked his cheek with a sweet gentle kiss. They both walked towards the beach and it kind of creeped out Liam not to find anyone else there. 

But he really wasn't complaining- he was looking forward to this, being all alone on a beach with Harry. 

They chatted about nothing in particular as they walked along the coast line of the beach, water crashing against their feet. Both of them had their trousers rolled up as they didn't want them to get wet. 

Liam was positive this was the best he had ever felt but then he would be lying because this was exactly how he felt when he was with the other boys- they all made him feel like all bubbly and tingly and it made him frown. Because as soon as this day would end- he would have to choose and he didn't want. 

He couldn't. 

He wanted them all. 

But then was it fair to have to all them? - he can't lead them all on. It just wouldn't be fair. 

"Hey Liam?" Harry asked as he looked at Liam. He knew the way Liam had his eyebrows creased together he was thinking hard about something but he couldn't tell what. Even though he was a werewolf and werewolves are usually really good at reading people- yet he just couldn't read Liam. 

Liam was perhaps the hardest person he has found to read. 

"Yeah?" Liam asked as he turned to face Harry. 

"What going through you head?" Harry asked as he stopped walking. He turned to face Liam- grabbing both of his hands in his own and then he laced them together. 

"I love you" Liam whispered. 

"I know, I love you too" Harry replied almost straight away. 

"I love them too" Liam whispered and it suddenly drowned to Harry- why Liam was thinking so hard and why he wouldn't let his face or even himself relax for a single second. He stepped closer to Liam but his grip on Liam's hands loosened. 

Liam let out a strangled noise before he through himself at Harry, arms going around Harry's neck as he hugged the boy tightly. Harry sighed quietly before he hugged the older boy back just as tightly. 

Harry placed his chin on top of Liam's head and wrapped his other hand around Liam's waist keeping him close and gush of cold wind blew by. 

"I can't figure this out" Liam whispered, his head hidden in the crook of Harry's neck which made his voice sound muffled. 

"You will- it's your decision. What you want. Not what we want, so listen to your heart" Harry replied. 

"I want you all" Liam whispered, "I love you all"

"I know"


I know this chapter short but just...sorry. I just can't get in to this story any more. 


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