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helllllllllllloooo :)

really really really story for the late update! This story just ran of my mind :/ so yeah but the updates will definitely be going back on track, so don't worry.

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Chapter 12

Enjoy :)


"Lou, shut up" Liam snapped as he looked over his book and glared at Louis who gave him a apologetic look. 

"Tell Niall to stop cheating!" Louis said.

"I am not cheating, you are just a loser" Niall sniggered, making Louis playfully punch him. 

"Can you literally shut up or I swear I am going to throw this book at you" Liam said as he gave them both a deathly look. It was impossible to read a book with Niall and Louis in the same room as you. 

"What's up with you Li?" Niall asked. He paused the game and placed his game controller down on the table before turning to look at Liam who just shrugged and pretended to read his book. 

Liam didn't know, himself, why he was snappy and angry. However, deep down Liam knew it had something to do with Zayn. Zayn being with Perrie. Last night Louis was able to take his mind away from it but right now Liam couldn't help but think about the couple. 

Did Zayn love her? Why did Zayn love her? What were they up to right now? Why isn't Zayn home yet?

All these questions were swimming around in his brain and they were honestly scaring him. 

"Liam?" Louis' fingers snapped in front of Liam's chocolate brown eyes, pulling the boy out of his thoughts. 

"Sorry?" Liam asked as he looked at Louis. 

"Are you okay?" Louis asked as he stared at Liam, his eyes full of worry. They all knew what was bothering Liam, they could practically smell his sad thoughts from a mile away. 

"Yeah I-I am fine" Liam replied giving them all a fake smile, hoping they would believe him. 

"You know, Zayn just texted me saying he's on his way back" Niall said to Liam. Liam just stared up at him, completely forgetting  the fact that Niall was a werewolf and gave him a short nod before he turned back to his book. 

He doesn't care were Zayn is. 


"Li, open up!" Zayn shouted from the other side of Liam's closed door. 

Liam was about to tell Zayn to fuck off and just go back to his girlfriend but something stopped him from doing so, instead he clumsily got out of his bed and walked towards his door to open it. 

"Hey" He greeted quietly as he left the door open for Zayn and walked back to his bed. 

"Hey, are you okay? All the boys are like freaking out and they told me go and see you like immediately" Zayn said as he entered Liam's room and leaned against the wall. 

"I wouldn't know anything about that" Liam replied as he kept his eyes fixed on his hands and shrugged. 

"Liam" Zayn's voice was calm but it was definitely demanding and Liam knew that Zayn could tell right through his lies. 


"Truth, now. What's wrong?" Zayn said. He walked towards Liam's bed and sat down next to him, he grabbed Liam's hand and gently rubbed his thumb against Liam's soft skin. 

"Nothing" Liam said. 

"Liam, don't lie. I know you are angry with me" Zayn said as he moved closer to Liam. 

"Zayn? Can you try something for me?" Liam asked quietly as he finally looked up to Zayn's face. Liam's heart was beating uncontrollably fast and his head was ready to burst. 

"Anything for you. What is it?"

Liam fiddled with his own fingers, debating on wether he should or not. He didn't know if it was the right thing to do or not. But people always talked about listening to your heart, right?


"Yes Li?"

"Kiss me"


I am going to end it there, cause I enjoy making you guys suffer. This time I promise that the next update will be soon. I have some really cool ideas for this fic and the more you comment and vote on this chapter, the faster you will get the next update.


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