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Thank you all for the lovely feedback. I love reading all of your comments so much! ^-^ 


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Chapter 6



"Louuuuu" Liam whined as he tugged at the older's boy arm stopping him from pacing any further. Louis sighed as he turned around and sat down next to Liam. 

"What Li?" Louis asked.

"Why are you pacing so much and why are we locked in your room?" Liam asked. He wanted some answers, he hated how he was always the one who didn't knew what was happening. 

Liam hasn't seen Zayn, Harry and Niall since last night. This morning when he went to wake them up he found their beds completely empty and then when he went to the kitchen he found Louis standing there, cooking breakfast.

That never happens. Louis always wakes up last.

That was enough to make Liam suspicious.

"Louuuuu" Liam whined again when Louis didn't reply. Louis rolled his eyes at Liam because really the younger boy wasn't helping right now.

"The other boys are meeting up with Ian" Louis replied, hoping that it would get Liam off his back. As much as Louis loved hearing that sweet voice, he didn't want Liam asking him questions right now. Louis really didn't want to tell him why the other boys had gone to see Ian. 

"Why?" Liam asked.

"Because" Louis astarted off. 

"That's a great reason Lou, now spill" Liam said, rolling his eyes. He pulled Louis back on the bed, placing an arm around his shoulder as he pulled in Louis. He liked the warmth that was radiating from Louis' body. 

"You know how we said that we didn't know if Ian was good werewolf or not?" Louis asked, his arm wrapped loosely around Liam's waist and Liam's chin pressed up on his shoulder. 

"Yeah?" Liam nodded.

"Well the boys have gone to figure that out" Louis said. Louis didn't exactly know what the boys were going to do since it was all a last minute plan and he was just handed with job of protecting Liam. 

"Oh then why are you still here?" Liam asked as he looked up at Louis. Louis wanted to grin down at him because he loved Liam for all this. He loved how easily Liam was taking all this. He loved how Liam wasn't running around, freaking out. He loved how Liam was so understanding. 

"I have to stay here with you" Louis replied with smile, squeezing Liam's waist as the other boy frowned in confusion.

"And why?" Liam asked.

"You're not safe till we know more about Ian" Louis replied as if it was the most obvious thing ever. Which it was just not for Liam. 

"But why just me?" 

"Because you're the only human in the band, remember Li?" Louis said, quoting the words human. Liam nodded slowly as he finally understood what was happening and let out a soft "oh"

"But why do you have to stay here? Don't you think Harry would be better at this job?" Liam teased after a while. Louis gasped and placed a hand on his heart looking as hurt as ever. 

"Are you saying I am not strong enough to protect you?" Louis asked as he let go off Liam and stared hard at the brown eyed boy in front of him who had a huge smirk on his face. 

"That's exactly what I am saying" Liam shot back, grinning as he patted Lou's cheek who pushed his hand away. 

"For your information Mr. Puppy, I am an Alpha. I am way more stronger than I look and I can so protect you!" Louis scoffed.

"Really, Mr. Alpha? I don't believe you" Liam teased, a smirk still lingering on his face. 

Liam made a move to get out off the bed but a strong froce around his waist pulled him back to the bed, Liam hit the bed with a force but gently. Liam stopped struggling when he felt someone hover over him and looked up to see bright blue eyes and the same smirk he had worn a few minutes ago. 

"Wow" Liam breathed out.

"So, anything else you want to say?" Louis smirked down. 

"N-No. I don't think so" Liam replied, blushing furiously. He didn't know why but being this close to Louis made his heart flutter. 

"And are you going to admit that I am strong enough to protect you?" Louis asked as he pressed his body more against Liam's.

"No. I don't think so" Liam said, winking.

"You know you are not making the right decision" Louis warned.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, you're arguing with a werewolf and that never turns out well" Louis said, nodding down at Liam who was giggling.

"You would never hurt me" Liam said. 

"Well, consider yourself lucky than" Louis grinned down.

"I am" 


There you go :) :) :)

The ending was so fun to write, like that was best part I have written in this book. I hope it was fun reading it because it sounded really cool in my head. 

Expect more updates on this story cause I love writing it ^-^


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