Chapter one

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*Chapter One*

Stepping out of the taxi, the sweet Wales air engulfed my senses. It was so good to be home. Walking down the path, I could feel the ground and the air. I could smell the little animals hiding in the brush and in the trees. Hiding from me. I get it, I mean, I bet I don't smell too friendly. After walking through the woods for about twenty minutes, I finally started to see my little house, hidden. I pushed the door open, listening for intruders. Sensing nothing, I shut the door behind me, setting my suitcases by it.

Home sweet home.

Walking up the wooden stairs, I saw a leather poster on the wall. My favorite quote. "For the strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf." It was so beautiful. But very unfitting to me.

I am a werewolf, if you haven't guessed yet. But I'm not in a pack. I never was. My ex-boyfriend, Christian, was. He never told me he was a wolf, until it was too late. He had always wanted to keep me safe from his world, never wanted me a part of it. But that's just what he told me, I didn't necessarily believe him. He had had a bad day and his temper got the best of him. He bit me, turning me into one of the wolves. After he attacked me, I was left alone. That was almost two years ago. Since then, I've carried on, moving to the countryside, away from people.

So here I am.

After changing into my favorite sweats and hoodie, I sat on my cushiony sofa, flicking on the tely. It was a music channel, which just so happened to be playing One Direction, the most popular boyband in the world. Also one of my favorites. They were good, and very attractive. Turning up the stereo, I stood, walking to the kitchen. I danced along to "Stand Up" as I made myself a honey and peanut butter sandwich. I danced and ate for a while until I felt goosebumps rise to the surface of my arms, snapping my attention to the front and back doors. 

Setting down the remote, I tiptoed towards the back door. I wrapped my fingers around the doorknob and slowly pulled it open. The night time wind hit my face, flooding my body with smells. The most potent was the smell of blood. Not just blood, human blood. I leaped off of the deck and sprinted through the trees. I stopped about thirty meters away from him. My feet pulled me forward. I leaned down over the body. He was male, about thirty five years old. I saw his eyes open slightly.

"What is your name? Who did this to you?" I said to him. He gasped for air. Looking, I finally found what was killing him. I thought it might have been a bear but no, not even close. The four lines stroked across his neck and down his chest. Wolves.

"Giant... Wolves... Attacked..." I felt my lungs freeze. There's a pack nearby. How? "What way?" the man gasped. I watched as he struggled to point. His heavy body went limp. My fingers stroked over his eyelids, closing them. I set his body down and morphed.

The smell of the wolves was faint, but I could still trace it. My strong legs carried me through the woods, past the small animals and the ones hiding in the trees. Even the predators moved to the side as I whipped past them. The scent of the wolf grew stronger as I slowed down. He was close. I started to walk cautiously, waiting. The crack of a branch caught me by surprise. My body snapped around to face him. He was a huge black wolf, with a deep scar over his left eye. His body shifted, back to human. He pulled the black hood off of his face, revealing him.

I felt my heart drop and my breath catch.

It was Christian.

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