Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Chapter twenty-three*

 It had been almost two months since the accident. I went to the hospital every single day. Sometimes I'd even spend the night there, on the couch, just waiting for her to wake up. I didn't know what to do with myself anymore.

Quinn was getting so big too. She was almost five months now. I took her to the hospital pretty much every other time I went. The days she didn't come, she was with Rose. She started sleeping with me at night too, trying to fill the empty half of the bed. She looked like her mum. The same bright eyes, the same dimples. Everything. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the telephone ring. I picked it up, answering slowly.


"Is this Louis Tomlinson?" the voice was male, about late thirties.

"Yes it is. May I ask who's calling?"

"My name is William Millone. I'm from Starbourne Magazine. We'd like to set up an interview with you and the lads." I sighed.

"Paul! Come get this." I called. Paul emerged from the dining room, taking the phone from my hands. I stood, stalking up the stairs to my bedroom. I locked the door behind me, I just wanted to be alone. I slipped my shoes off of my feet, sliding into my bed. I let my thoughts fade out of my mind, drifting into darkness.

*Seven hours later*

I was shook awake by soft hands. I opened my eyes slowly.

"Louis. Louis wake up. It's Mari. C'mon Lou." Rose said. Her voice was, I couldn't describe it. It was right between excited and nervous. I pulled the blankets off of my legs, swinging out of the bed. I pulled a hoodie over my exposed torso and slipped on my moccasins. Rose and I rushed out to the car, starting it quickly.

"What'd they tell you Rose?" I asked. I could feel my body starting to shake in the seat.

"They said that there's a possibility she could wake up in a matter of hours. But they aren't sure. They wanted us to be there just in case." I felt the corner of my mouth twitch into a smile. She could wake up. My girl. I could see her soon. 

We drove for a while before I could see the hospital. I pulled in a deep breath as I took the key out of the ignition. Rose set her hand on mine, rubbing my fingers.

"Let's go see her Lou." I nodded. We stepped out of the car, walking in the cold air into the front door. The nurse nodded, recognizing the both of us. We quickened our pace as we rounded the corner. I opened the door slowly, noticing the two doctors at the foot of her bed. One of them turned to face me, half-smiling. Rose threw her hands to her face as she saw Mari. She was awake. 

"Mari?" Rose said. Marina looked over at her, then me. I felt my heart drop as I recognized the look in her eyes. 

She didn't remember me...

I wanted to fall to the floor, just sobbing. But I stood still. Marina looked at the doctors, the oxygen tubes shaking with her body.

"Rose? Who's that?" She said. My heart dropped even more, but I could now feel it starting to crack. Rosaline went to her sister's side, squatting to hold her hand. 

"Marina, that's Louis. He's your boyfriend. You have been together for almost two years." Marina looked shocked. There was no flicker of remembrance in her eyes.

"But what about Christian? I'm with Christian." She sounded so sure. That's when I lost it. That last sentence. I spun around, throwing the door open. I slid down the wall outside of the room, holding my face in my hands. She didn't remember me at all. She had no idea who I was. That means she doesn't know who Quinn is. Her own daughter. 

I don't know what to do anymore.

*Rosaline's P.O.V.*

When Louis lost it in the room, I felt Marina start to shake beside me.

"You really don't know who he is?" She shook her head. I pulled her phone out of my purse, clicking the photo section.

"What are you doing Rose?" 

"I want to see if you can remember." I scrolled through the pictures, finally finding one of her and Louis. They were cuddling on the couch, Niall must've taken it. I turned the screen towards her. "Do you remember anything." She stared intently at the picture, trying so hard to remember.

"No. I don't..." I sighed, scrolling for others. She didn't know any of them. I found one of Quinn, praying that she remembered.

"Who is this Mar. You have to remember her." She grabbed the phone out of my hands, staring at the picture.

"She looks really familiar...."

"She's your daughter Marina. Her name is Quinn. She's almost-"

"Five months old." Louis said. I smiled up at him. He was leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. Marina stared at his face.

"She looks just like you Mari. She has your bright blue eyes, with that little tint of grey. She has your dimples, the ones in perfect little circles on your cheeks. She even has your laugh." I could hear the heartbreak in his voice. Marina looked over at me, confused.

"Is he telling the truth?" She whispered. I nodded. 

"Yes Mar. He is." Louis motioned me towards him. I stood stepping to him.

"Can I talk to her? Please?" I looked back to Marina. 

"Of course. Just.... be soft with her. She's... fragile."

"Always." he half smiled. I looked down to Mar.

"Louis wants to talk to you for a minute hun. I'll be right outside. Don't worry." She nodded slowly. I kissed her forehead before stepping out of the room. I shut the door behind me as I sat in the nearest chair.

I sat outside for about twenty minutes before I heard footsteps come down our hallway. I stood in front of the door as he emerged.

"Let me see her." Christian said. 

"Not now Christian. Louis' in there with her."

"So she's awake then?"

"Yes. Come back later. Please?"

"Does she remember?" He ignored my pleas. I sighed. Shaking my head.

"No. She doesn't remember anything about him. Only you." A look of satisfaction plastered his face. He tried to push past me into the room.

"Christian. No. Please just wait. I'll text you when he leaves. I'm begging you to wait." He sighed in frustration.

"Why don't you want me to go in? Huh? I can deal with him." His voice was tinted with anger and annoyance.

"Not in front of her. She doesn't need to see that. She doesn't need to be around that." He clenched his jaw. Debating now. He tried to push past me again.


"Why do you want in so badly. What happened with you two before the crash, she won't remember it."

"She remembers me. That's all that matters Rosaline."

"Have you forgotten that they have a baby together? She recognized Quinn, Christian."

"You want to know something Rose?" He paused. "Quinn might not even be his. Have you even thought of that?" I froze. He was right. No one was certain who's she was...


"No.Let me in. Now. Or I will tear your throat out." he tapped his long claws under my chin, making me shiver. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. 

This was going to be awful.

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