Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Chapter twenty eight*

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I held Quinn in my arms, pacing slowly back and forth in the small room. She was asleep on my shoulder, her soft brown hair tickling my neck. I patted her little back, just thinking. What if they got hurt? What if one of them doesn't make it back...?

I shook the thoughts out of my head as the stillness outside kicked in. I couldn't hear anything, whereas before, I could hear everything. Especially the wolves. 

I set Quinn back in her little crib, sidestepping towards the window. I looked down into the darkness, searching for anything. I stared for a moment, just waiting. That's when I saw it. A hooded figure was stepping quickly down the sidewalk. I smiled when the hood fell from the wind.


I quietly, yet hastily went down the stairs, opening the front door. She stood on the porch, her hands in her pockets, and her auburn hair a mess.She smiled as she saw me, falling into my arms. I squeezed her tightly, burying my face in her neck. 

"You're home." She nodded. I pulled away, smiling at her. Involuntarily, I felt myself lean forward, pressing my lips to hers. She smiled into the accidental kiss. Leaning deeper into it. I felt my hands trace over her sides, slipping them under her hoodie. Her skin was soft on my fingers as I ran them over her ribs, feeling each indent, scar, and scratch she had. Her small hands were wound around my neck, fiddling with the small curls at the base of my neck. 

I smiled more as she pulled away, pressing my lips to hers one more time. 

What have I done....?

*Louis' P.O.V.*

I was still overwhelmed with rage when Marina disappeared out of the circle of trees. Mainly at the fact that the pack backed her up, keeping me away from him. Now he was gone.

When I morphed back, the pack finally pulled away from me. I stood, glaring at them. 

"Why would you all help her! You knew how bad I bloody wanted this."

"She was right mate. He didn't deserve to die. No one does. That's not who we are Louis." Liam said.

"You know what he's done Liam! You all do. He killed plenty of other wolves. He deserved to die." I growled.

"Louis, we aren't like him. Someone will kill him if it needs to be so. But not us." Liam stated.

"He's right mate." Niall said, agreeing. I wanted to scream. My one chance to end this. To kill him. And now he's gone. 

"We should head home boys. C'mon Louis." Zayn said. The pack nodded, following close behind.

We finally reached the house, and I was calmer than before. But I could my veins fuel themselves with heat as I walked up the porch. I stood in the center of the posts, just thinking, feeling. 

Inteus, talk to me. What do you feel here. I asked. 

You don't want to know mate... I growled. 

Inteus, tell me. Now. He sighed. 

Harry...  I froze.

What did he do.

He... He kissed her... Marina. When she came back.... I'm sorry Lou-  I felt my body shake with anger. Why couldn't I just get a break? I get rid of one shitface and now I have to deal with another? 

I felt my legs push me forward, into the dining room. I saw him standing by the table, talking to Liam. I pushed Liam out of the way, slamming Harry into the wall.

"What the hell Louis!?" He shouted.

"Don't even do that Harry. You know exactly what you did! Keep your hands off of her!" I yelled. I saw Marina in the corner of my eye emerge at the top of the stairs, Quinn on her shoulder.

"Louis! What are you doing?" She asked, her face full of guilt. I looked back to Harry, swinging my arm up, my fist colliding with his cheek.

"LOUIS!" She screamed. I kept swinging, slamming my fist into his face over, and over again, enjoying the feeling of complete control.

*Marina's P.O.V.*

I felt my body freeze as I heard the yelling downstairs. Louis. Damn it! 

I stepped out of the lavender room, my little Quinn sat silently on my shoulder as I stood at the railing. 

I screamed at Louis as he punched Harry. Over and over again, the same spot. I could smell the blood starting to drip out of his nose. I sidestepped quickly back into the room, laying Quinn back down before sprinting back down the stairs. Liam and Zayn were trying to pry Louis off of Harry. 

He finally let go, causing Harry to fall to the ground, clutching his face. I ran to his side, crouching down. I pulled him into a sitting position, looking at his broken, bloody nose. Liam and Zayn clutched on to Louis arms, holding him tightly. I stood, fuming in rage. I could feel Nuntis in my head, she was screaming at Inteus. I listened for a moment as Louis fumed.

Inteus, control him.

Nuntis, it's not that easy. He's harder than others.

Make him calm. You've had your time to learn. 

I don't know how....

You can do it Inteus. Just grab him, pull it back. 

I saw Louis' body clam back down. His face snapped towards mine, staring into my eyes.

What are you doing Marina.

I'm not Louis. I swear. It's the wolves. 

What are they doing. How do I stop it. 

I don't know. I'm so sorry Louis...

He stopped responding after that. Just stared at me. Until he stopped doing that too. He glared back down to Harry, who was laying down again behind me, his nose was still bleeding and you could see the bruises starting to form around his face. I turned to him, reaching for his hand. He looked up at me, his green eyes were full of... fear, and guilt... He pulled himself up, holding his face. Niall rushed over to him, leading him out of the room, Liam following close behind. 

I looked over to Zayn, nodding to him as he started to leave the room. Louis stepped away from me. 


"Marina, just stop."

"Please talk to me. I'm so sorry... I'm sorry I did this. I'm sorry about Christian. I'm sorry about making you have any of this. I'm sorry I ruined your life..."

"Stop." He stopped the conversation, turning away from me. He leaned against the dining room table, gripping the sides. I could feel the anger and the stress coursing through his veins. I wanted to step forward, just wrapping my arms around his waist, like I always used to when he'd get upset.  But I knew I couldn't... I messed up this time... 

I heard him take in a deep breath, a deciding breath. He didn't turn to me as he spoke, but he did.

"Maybe... Maybe we should take a break Marina.... Some time to actually remember us; to figure out if we can still do this. For Quinn." I felt my eyes starting to water, taking in his words. This was all my fault.... I knew he was mad. How couldn't he be..? But a break from each other? That hasn't ever ended well.... 

I stepped towards him again as he spun around, putting his arms up in front of me. 

"Louis... I'm sorry..."

"Please just.. stay away... from me. Please." He turned to the door, opening it and disappearing into the dim light outside. I felt my knees buckle under me, making me collapse to the floor. I held my eyes in my hands, just letting all of my guilt and anger at myself, pour out in my salted tears. 

How am I going to fix this?

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