Chapter Seventeen

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*Chapter seventeen*

She stared at me, complete shock covering her face. She shook her head in disbelief. 

"You're joking Marina. You're not a... a werewolf. They don't exist." I sighed. I knew she was going to react like this. I stood, turning away. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"If you don't believe me, you won't follow." I stated. I hope she would follow.. prayed. I sat down in my car, turning the key. The car whooshed to life, I sat for a moment, listening to the engine and the faint sound of OneRepublic on the radio. Waiting. She didn't appear. I sighed, backing the car out of the parking spot, when I saw her jog out of the doors, searching. Her eyes met mine as she sprinted for her car, starting it. I half-smiled, pulling out of the lot.I felt my body start to shake as I drove down the highway. I took in one more deep breath as I parked by the guard rail that blocked the city from the woods. I stood from the car, stepping over the rail and walking through the trees. I walked far enough so I could be sure no one would see or hear us. I stopped, letting my wolf senses flush through my body. My nose twitched as smells of the small animals around me, and the rain from early in the day. I opened my eyes as I heard Rose stop behind me. I turned facing her. She looked scared and confused. 

"Rose, I want you to know, nothing has changed. I'm still the same Mari that I was almost twenty minutes ago. My anatomy is the only change. Please just trust me." I said to her. The fear in her eyes grew bigger, and it scared me. Fear was never something you would see on my sister. She was always the brave one in my life. I always looked up to her growing up.

Rose nodded. Okay. Here goes nothing. I closed my eyes, letting the morph take over my body. I shook a little as my anatomy changed from human to canine. My jaw lengthened, my back straightened, and my hands and feet turned to paws. I shook around, it felt like I was shaking every human stress off of my body and out of my mind. I missed this. Being different. In a way, I was grateful to him. Christian. I yawned as I stretched my legs out in front of me. Then I remembered, Nuntis. Nun? Are you there?  I called. 

Sometimes, your wolf will leave your mind, if you don't interact with her for a really long time. She'll  just fade away. 

I'm here Marina. I missed you. Welcome home. I smiled. She was still here. I looked up at Rosaline. She cupped her hands over her mouth. 

"There is no possible way that this is real... How..." She started to back away from me, but tripped, falling on to her back. I trotted forward, standing above her. I tilted my head to the side, then leaned my head down, licking her cheek. She laughed, running her fingers through my thick fur. Rose stood, with the help of me. As a wolf, I was up to her upper chest, almost her shoulders. As wolves, we are almost seven times the size of a normal grey wolf. 

Rose faced me, sighing. I yipped at her before morphing back to my human form. My light hair blew out behind me, unveiling my leather jacket.

"See? Everything's fine." She sighed in disbelief.



"Reed? Your boyfriend?" I nodded. "Was he...?"

"Yeah. He was a wolf too. Never told me. He had a really bad temper and lost it one night.. He bit me." I said. I steeped closer to her, pulling my coat off of my shoulder, revealing the giant scar on my neck. It was huge if you though about it. There were four prominent teeth marks, his canines, and smaller marks around it. Rose gasped as she saw it.

"Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you come home?" her voice cracked, coated with sadness and fear. I hated seeing her like this, vulnerable.

"I didn't want you all to hate me and push me out. I couldn't let that happen... So I stayed in Wales. That's actually how I met Louis." I said.

"Wait, there's more to that story?"  I nodded. 

"Yeah. C'mon, sit. It might help." She nodded, pulling in a deep breath.

After explaining everything that actually happened with Louis and the pack, I felt like I might be able to breathe again. 

"So Christian...Is he...?" Rose started.

"We think so. I just.. I didn't feel the bond break when he died. You're supposed to feel, I dunno, heartbroken a little. But I didn't feel that..."

"So what if he's still.. Alive?" I shook my head hastily. 

"There's no way. Louis pretty much tore his throat out of his neck. I'm pretty sure you can't live through that."

"Alright.. Well, I still can't believe you thought you couldn't trust us." She laughed. I giggled with her.

"Let's go home Rose. Come meet Quinn." She smiled. We stood, walking back to the cars.

Everything was going to be fine.


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