Chapter Eighteen

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*Chapter eighteen*

*Louis' P.O.V.*

Two weeks past.

Then three.

Then it was two months.

Everything was different now. The pap guessed that Marina and I had split up, as we made sure not to be seen together in public. She was worried about Quinn too; not wanting her to live her life in the spotlight. That was the last thing she wanted. I didn't mind. I wasn't so fond of having to keep it from the fans though. The boys came over pretty often and I was supposed to meet the rest of Marina's family tonight too. The doorbell snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Louis! Can you get that?" Mari called down the stairs. I stood, swinging the door open. My body froze, th hairs on the back of my neck standing on end.

"Hey Tomlinson. Miss me?" I wanted to leap forward and break ever bone in his body a billion times over. But I couldn't even move.

"Why are you here Christian? How are you here?" He stepped back as I shut the door behind me.

"How I'm here doesn't matter. Where is she?" His voice was full of pride. Making me hate him more.

"SHE, isn't your concern anymore Christian. Just leave."

"Or what? You'll kill me again? We aren't in Wales anymore Tomlinson." He was dead. He had been dead...

"I tore your throat out. Your heart stopped..." I said.

"You're right. It did. But you forgot a very crucial detail." He leaned towards my ear, his hot breath encasing it. "I'm an alpha. I won't die that easily mate." I growled as he pulled away.

"I'll be back Tomlinson. She's my girl. She always has been. You and I both know that. So will she." He smirked as he turned away. Two males formed next to him, all stepping into the black Cadillac on the road. I sighed angrily as they pulled away. I steeped back inside, trying to contain my anger. Marina stood at the top of the stairs, Quinn in her arms. She looked down at me, a confused look in her eyes.

"Who was that? Is everything okay?" She asked. I smiled at her.

"It was just another stupid reporter. Everything's okay love, come down." I lied. She smiled as she stepped down the stairs. Quinn was awake, looking around the room with her bright eyes. I kissed her forehead, making her smile.

"So what time will your sister and parents all be here?" I asked as Marina set Quinn in the playpen.

"I dunno, let me text Rose." She smiled, pulling out her phone. When she set it back on the end table, I pulled her to me, moving my hands up her sides.

"Mmm hello to you too." I smiled as she pressed her lips to mine. It felt longer as she grinned into it. I didn't want to let go of her, but he wouldn't get out of my head. She's my girl..She always has been...You and I both know that... I pulled away, clenching my jaw and squeezing my eyes closed.

"Lou? Are you okay?" My hands dropped from her as I turned away."Louis... Don't do this. Don't shut me out. Talk to me. What's wrong." She said. I could hear her heart pick up in her chest. I couldn't tell her, not now.

"It's okay love. Just.. over-thinking. Let's get ready for tonight."

*Christian's P.O.V.*

The car pulled to a stop, letting me off.

"Thanks lads, see you soon." I said. The pack nodded as they pulled away. I was left by the guard rail, alone. I stepped over, morphing quickly. My paws hit the ground as I ran through the woods, te smells engulfing my body. My mind was blank when I changed. But it stopped when I morphed back. I stood in front of my cabin. She started to flood back in again.I sat down on the hollow log in the dark, letting the memories take over my mind.


"Do you want any of this babe?" Mari asked. I turned, facing her. She held the cookie batter bowl in her hands. I smiled as I walked towards her. She held the spoon as I licked the batter. Mari laughed.

"You're are absolutely ridiculous." I gasped.

"That's not very nice." I said, sticking my finger into the bowl, scooping batter on my finger. I turned back to Marina, who smiled.

"Don't you do it Christian. No!" She laughed as I started to chase her around the room. She stopped on the couch. I fake tripped, smearing the batter on the tip of her nose. She giggled.


"Oh damn babe... I'm sorry love, let me get that." I licked the batter off of her nose. I licked my lips together before pressing them to hers. She kissed me back, passion enveloping the both of us. She started to comb her fingers through my dark hair, stopping to twist the strands. I loved it when she did that. It made me feel like... Like nothing ould ever tear us apart. Like she loved me. With that thought, I lifted her legs over my hips, standing. I kissed her deeper as I carried her to the bedroom, setting her on the bed softly. She smiled as I pulled away.

"Why'd you stop?" she asked.

"I love you Marina."

"I love you too Christian."

*Flashback over*

I will get her back. Even if it requires killing the people who stand in my way.

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