Chapter Thirty

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*Chapter thirty*

*Marina's P.O.V.*

~Three days later~

I sat in the lounge in the coffee shop, tapping my fingers on my cup. I had my headphones stuck in my ears, listening to Ed Sheeran, one of my favorite artists. I was here alone, Ashley was home with Quinn; I needed a little time to myself, and I was hoping Louis would show...

Pretty cliche right? Go to a random coffee shop on the outskirts of London, hoping your ex-boyfriend would nonchalantly drive by and see you? I guess that's just what I wanted to happen.. So i kept glancing around in the shop, and outside on the streets. 

I sighed as I stood up, but being the klutz I was, I bumped into some guy, dropping my bag and my coffee to the floor. 

"Dammit." I cursed. 

"Sorry miss." The guy said. He smelt of cologne, heavy, but sweet, and his voice was tinted with the heavy American accent. When I looked up at him, he had a hood and sunglasses covering his face. I shook my head as I spoke. 

"It's fine, don't worry about it." I could feel his body tense up beside me, making Nuntis growl inside me. 

Everything okay Nuntis?

I'm not sure....I shook off her words, watching as the guy walked up to the counter. I couldn't figure out who he was. Oh well. 

I stood, clutching my coffee cup in my hands, and pulling my bag over my arm. I was just about to put my headphones back in my ears, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, causing me to look around at him. It was the guy from earlier. 

"So I was wondering if I could buy you a cup of coffee sometime? If you're up to it?" He said. His voice was so familiar... 

"I'll go.. IF, you show me your face." I smiled in pride as he sighed. He pulled his sunglasses off of his face. I could feel my palms start to clam up, and my heart beat faster. 

"Don't freak out."

"You're Max Walker!" I whispered. He laughed.

"Yes ma'am. Wanna go find a table?" I nodded as he turned, leading me around the corner. We sat down at a table in the far corner.

"So, what're you doing in Croydon?"

"Well, I needed a new muse."

"For your music?" He nodded. "Isn't America full of 'muse'?" I laughed. Max shook his head.

"I wanted to see what I could find.. Who I could find." He smirked when the words left his lips, and I felt my cheeks flush with red. I don't know how.... But I felt the little butterflies start to flutter in my belly. 

"Well, welcome to the UK." We both laughed. I lifted my coffee cup to my mouth, sipping down the warm mocha. I looked across the table, reading over all the little marks and bumps on his face. He had little scars around his eyes and down his jawline. 

"What you staring at?" I giggled.

"Nothing.... Just thinking.."

"About who?"

"I didn't say it was anyone?"

"You didn't have to. Now c'mon, spill it." I shook my head, my smile fading. "Everything okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

"You sure?" I nodded. "Well alright. Oh, I never got your name?"

"Marina, Whitlock. I'm not from London."

"Well where from?"

"Wales. It's a while away, I actually haven't been there for a while."

"Well that must be a bummer." I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Pulling it out, I read over Ashley's text.

Ashley: Hey emergency. I need you asap!

"Shit..." I mumbled. But, instead of it being internal like I thought it was, I had said it out loud. Max looked at me with confusion and amusement.

"Everything alright Marina?" I shook my head.

"No, I have to go. I'm really sorry. It was really nice to meet you, and thanks for the coffee." I sent a text back to Ashley as I stood. Max stepped over to me, grabbing my wrist.

"Hey, i had a good time. And breathe, I'm sure everything is okay. Maybe we could do this again sometime?" I smiled at his words, nodding. We exchanged numbers, then I walked out the door, turning back to him. He smiled, waving.

I drove hastily down the road, worrying about what could be wrong... Maybe it was Quinn? She was having a fit and Ash didn't know what to do? Or was it something else... Like Louis or Harry? But what if it was worse than all of that... What if it was Christian... Or my mother?

I focused my attention back to the road, until I finally saw my house on the road. I pulled into the driveway, rushing to get out of the car and up the steps. I took in a deep breath as I pushed the door open, stepping into the house. It was quiet, until I heard the thumping come down the stairs. 

"Ashley! Are you here?" I called. She came around the corner, a half-smile on her face. "What's going on Ash? Is Quinn okay?" She nodded. 

"Quinn is fine."

"Then what's going on." I crossed my arms over my chest in impatience. 

"Someone's here to talk to you." I was confused. 

"Who?" I asked.

"Just come look." She turned, walking around the corner. I turned my attention to Nuntis.

Who is it? Can you tell?

No... I don't know. She sounded frustrated. I took in a whiff of the air, trying to recognize it. There was a muskiness to it, hidden behind the heavy scent of cologne. I shrugged, walking into the room. I saw the curly hair and instantly remembered who he was.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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