Chapter Eleven

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*Chapter eleven*

*Marina's P.O.V.*

Today was the day I was dreading inside. The day the boys went back to London. In my head, I knew it was good for them, as they were pretty famous. I just didn't want to be alone again. Even if they were only a few hours away. The boys had stayed at my cabin for almost a week now, causing Lou and Zayn to reconnect. It made me happy to see them close again. Now, we all sat in the living room, watching old Harry Potter movies, which I loved. They were leaving in just a few hours. Louis sat with his arm around my waist, and my head on his chest. Zayn sat with Niall, poking him and laughing. Liam was taking a quick nap on the sofa, and Harry was messing around on his twitter.

"I'm going to miss you so much Mari." Louis whispered. I looked up at him, giving him a half smile.

"I'll miss you too Louis." He grinned, giving me a small peck.

About two hours later, the boys started to gather their bags, which they'd moved from their motel, and put them in their cadillac. I stopped them before they gave me hugs goodbye.

"I have something to tell you all." I paused, looking at each of their faces. "I've decided that I'm going to move." All of them lit up with happiness. "But, I won't be moving to London. Just a small little town by it. I found a cute little flat to stay at." I finished. Louis looked the happiest, next came Zayn. Niall Harry and Liam all looked excited too. Lou moved forward, lifting me off of my feet. I laughed at the spinning.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!!" he laughed. He finally set me down, pressing his lips against mine. When I pulled away, each of the boys pulled me into a tight hug. I was going with them. But there was something none of them knew.

Something that could change everything.

*Four Months Later*

*Niall's P.O.V.*

It's been almost four months since we came back to the real world. Away from the wolf life we loved. The lads and I released our second album almost two weeks ago. Marina pretty much stopped talking to the lads after we got back. We didn't know where she was either. She practically disappeared from the planet. And I was starting to worry about her. It was like she had forgotten about us. The idea of that was tearing Louis apart. It showed too, bad. You could practically see it from a mile away. And the pap had no idea what it was either, which made me laugh. Louis wasn't himself anymore. His normal jokes and laughs were pretty much gone. Zayn played it off better. You could see he was hurt too, he just did a better job of hiding it. The mates and I all lived in flats next door to each other. And I lived with Harry, so our flat was a bit messy. I guess. But hey, it's okay. Hah. I sat alone in the living room, my popcorn in my hand and the Irish football game on the telle. But I couldn't really focus on the match. So I jumped when my phone went off beside me. Answering, my heart dropped at the familiar voice.

"Niall, its me. Can we talk?"

*Marina's P.O.V.*

My legs shook as I sat on the cold park bench. Partially from the crisp November air and partially from the nerves racing through my body. I shoved my hands into my comfy leather jacket, trying to hide my tummy better. It's been almost four months since I've talked to any of the boys, trying so hard to push them out of my life. Mostly because their careers pretty much skyrocketed after their second album was released. And I knew calling Niall could be a mistake. I thought about mine and the boys' relationships when I got to Camberley. Thinking about the stress we'd be under all the time. And I wasn't ready for that. So, I pulled away from them. But when I found out about, this. I had to talk to someone, so I called Niall. Don't ask me why I just did.

My heart started to pound even louder when I saw a hooded figure jog towards me. I adjusted my purple beanie on my head. I'd dyed my hair lighter when I moved here, wanted to try something new. It was a light brownish blonde. The tips were pretty much beach blonde. It was ombre I guess. I glanced up to see Niall in front of me.

"Mari... Its you..." he pulled me into him. "You're really here." I buried my head into his warm neck. I took in his smell. I had missed him so much. Out of nowhere, I felt him tense up as he held me. Oh no, please no.

"Mari.." I pulled from him, yanking my jacket over my exposed belly. I wanted to run away. This was going to be so bad. I felt a hand grab hold of my wrist. He spun me back around. Facing him, I saw his eyes flick down to my belly, then back to my eyes.

"Marina, are you..." he froze. I sighed, rubbing my hand over my round tummy. I nodded.

"I'm pregnant Niall."

*Louis' P.O.V.*

I flopped backwards on to my bed. Closing my eyes, I drifted into sleep.

In the dream, I was in what looked like the woods. It was familiar but I didn't remember. My body dropped down into my wolf form. My strong legs carries me through the brush. I didn't know where I was going. That was until I stopped in front of it. The cabin. I blinked, and the cabin was in fire. Burning. I could hear screaming coming from the inside. It was Marina. My wolf leaped forward but whimpered as the fire snapped at us. Growling, my body sprung at the door. I crashed to the floor as the door fell apart. My body morphed as I started to search for her. My voice tried to call out her name, but no noise came out. I jumped as another scream pierced through the cabin. My arms threw the furniture around the room, searching. I was pulled towards the staircase in the corner. Racing up it, I banged on each door down the hallway. I could hear her crying and yelling for help. Each time I tried to call out to her, my throat wouldn't make a sound. I heard her calling my name. I swung the bedroom door open. I saw her. She was in the corner. She had her hands over her messy auburn hair,she looked up at me. Her beautiful blue eyes filled with fear and pain. My eyes blurred from the smoke, but I tried to make my way to her. As I got close, a burning rafter fell through the ceiling, blocking my way to her. She screamed in pain as something fell on her legs.

"Louis... I love you... You have to go... Leave me... It's okay... Louis..."

My eyes snapped open, my mouth gasping in the air around me. I could feel the sweat dripping down my face and body. It was just the nightmare. The same one every time. I pulled myself to my feet, walking to my closet. I looked in the mirror at myself. The deep scars over my face were nearly healed now, but they were still there. As with the other cuts and scratches along my chest and sides. I sighed it off as I pulled a grey striped shirt over my head. On my way out to the front room, I grabbed my jean jacket from the door. I saw Liam sitting on the sofa, watching the telle. He glanced over at me before turning back to his show.

"Get some sleep?" he said.

I shook my head. "Not this time."

"Same dream?" he asked. I nodded. "Don't worry mate. It was just a dream. I'm sure she's fine." Liam said. He visited me often, as I lived alone, like Zayn and himself. He always knew when I'd had the dream. It started about a week after we got back to London, happening almost every night. Marina only talked to us a few time those first few days. Before she completely disappeared. I missed her so much. It hurt me so badly to think she just abandoned us. She must have had a good reason. Right? I grabbed my keys from the counter, walking out to my black Porsche outside. I drove down the street to the coffee shop. At a stoplight, I saw the little park on the side of the road. It was mostly empty except for a few families and other people. I could see two people. A guy and a girl. About late teens early twenties, talking by a park bench. The girl had light brown hair with blonde tips and a purple beanie over her head. But the guy wore a dark hoodie, covering his head. But he faced away from me. They weren't close, so I couldn't see features very well. The girl glanced over his shoulder, right at me. I felt my heart beat a little faster. I wanted so badly to believe it was her. But my mind told me otherwise. That it was my imagination. I turned back to the street. Driving away.

But something was different about that girl. She had looked so much like her... Like my girl. But it couldn't be...


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