Chapter Twenty-One

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*Chapter twenty-one*

*Marina's P.O.V.*

Part of me wanted to fall into his arms, letting him hold me, just greatful that he's alive.

The other part wanted to tear his head off. He threatened to hurt my family. 

"Marina, please. Don't go. I need to talk to you. You wouldn't have come if you didn't want answers." 

"No, I came beacuse you threatened my family." his face fell. "Christian, I know you, well I thought I did. You never would've threatened someone's life. That's not you." I don't know what possessed me to say those words. They just  felt... right.

"Please talk to me Mar. Know me again. I'm begging you." I sighed at the hurt in his voice. It was something about him I'd never forgotten.

"Fine Christian. Let's talk." I stepped past him into the cabin, soon overwhelmed by the sight of it. The memories all flooded back. I wanted to just walk around, reliving all of the things that happened here. But I didn't. Christian sat on the couch across from me, waiting for me to sit. When I did, he pulled in a deep breath, rubbing his hands together in his lap. 

"Go ahead." I said impatiently.

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything Christian. Why you left me. Why you were such a coward all that time. Who did this to us..." I felt angry tears in my eyes, getting ready to roll out. He took another deep breath. I knew this hurt him too, in a way. 

"I didn't... I..." he stuttered. "I was a coward, like you said. I didn't want to deal with my mistakes. That's what caused me to lose the one thing I ever truly loved; you." He reached over the table . "I loved you so much Marina."

"Why do you think that will solve everything? Just saying that to me over and over again?" He stood instantly, throwing the table to its' side.

"Because that's all I have! I have NOTHING to give anymore Marina! I've tried for almost TWO years, to talk to you. But you never listened. Then you moved on." He was angry, the angriest I've ever seen him.... He had tears streaking down his cheeks. I'd never seen him cry... I stood, stepping towards him, He was back on the couch now, holding his face in his hands. 

"Christian... Please don't cry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything."

"Why are you apologizing? I'm the one who ruined everything for you. I'm the one who destroyed your dreams. Who ruined everything. Just because I'm a coward. You want to know who it was?" He stopped, looking up at me. "Ethan. My own brother ruined this all. For both of us." I was shocked. I'd met Ethan once, almost four years agow, when Christian and I had just started dating. 

"What happened...."

"He cornered me in the woods behind our old house. He didn't know what he was doing. Had no control of his wolf." 


"No. You should hate me. especially because of what I said and did. To Louis. And you. I have one question." I was confused as I nodded. "How old is she?"


"Your daughter. How old is she." I was shocked. He knew. How did he know...

"She's... umm... maybe three months? Maybe four. How did you know...?"

"I saw the lavender room." I half smiled. We'd always talked about what we would do if we had a baby. Especially a girl. He wanted to be a father so bad... That made my heart beat pick up in my chest. I still had no idea who's baby she was... And that scared me. I froze when he spoke.

"What's wrong. Your heart... Is there something you're not telling me Marina?" 

"It's nothing. Really." He smirked as he stood beside me. 

"I love you Marina." I felt numb as he said those words. It felt... real. Like he was sincere about it. My body molded into him again. I knew the truth now. About everything.

I felt whole with him as he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me close. His warm, peppermint scented breath blew in short pants onto my face. He leaned into me, holding me closer to him. I smiled up at him. He smirked as he pressed his lips into mine. He held me there, just kissing me. I missed the feel of his lips, the tender way they molded with mine. The way his hands would snake up to my cheeks and hold me there. Everything about him. I missed my Christian. The one I fell in love with when I was seventeen. 

I loved him.

*Later that night*

It was nearly nine o'clock when I decided to head home. I didn't want to but I knew I should. I'd been laying with Christian for nearly two hours, just talking. We watched our old favorite movie together too, The Bounty Hunter, laughing and cuddling. Just like we used to. We kissed too, don't forget that part. I just felt, normal with Christian. Like things had never changed. Like I wasn't a murderous werewolf. Like I wasn't a mom. 

"I'm going to miss you." he made a puppy dog face at me, making me laugh. I leaned up and kissed him.

"I'll miss you too Christian."

"I love you Mari." i giggle as he pressed his lips to my forehead. I looked into his light green and blue eyes, holding them there with mine. 

"I love you too." He kissed me one last time before I slowly started to drift out of his arms. He held my hand as I pulled away. I smiled as I turned back to face him. He was leaned up against the doorway, hands in his pockets, and his short, dark hair, spiked up. I blew him a kiss before sitting in the car. I heard his heart beat fading away as he went back inside. I pulled my phone out of my purse, reading the three text messages.

Louis: please tell me you're coming home soon

Louis: baby I miss you, So does Quinn. We love you

The last one scared me.

Unknown: I know what you're doing. You're a dirty cheater. Louis deserves better- 

I never saw the last part of the message. All I know that happened next was bad. A pickup truck hit the side of the car, causing it to roll on its' side. My head slammed on the ceiling and glass. 

Then it all went black.

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