Chapter Two

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*Chapter two*

He stood there, about ten meters away. I couldn't believe it. Why was he here? My breathing continued normally again, as my rage started to grow. I felt my wolf growl at him. Christian just stood there, watching me. My wolf stopped, about to pounce on him, but I stopped her as his lips parted. 

"Marina. It's me. I know it's you. I just want to talk. Please." She growled again. Here's something you should know about my kind. In our bodies, after we're turned, there isn't just one mind. There's you, and there's the wolf. Sometimes she can make you do things you wouldn't normally do. Like kill your ex-boyfriend. But my wolf usually stays quiet, only speaking when she thinks I'm in danger or if I'm lonely. They have their own names too, and personalities. My wolf is named Nuntis, which means The Sun-Wolf in Latin. Right now, she's telling me to rip Christians' head clean off of his body, which I'm debating about doing. I shook my head, quieting her voice. My body retook its' human form, making me feel extremely vulnerable. I wore my regular wolf outfit, a fitting leather jacket and white shirt with dark grey skinny jeans, along with my brown combat boots. 

"Why are you here Christian." I said to him. More of a statement really. He smirked. "Answer me!" I shouted. He isn't going to tell you the truth. Kill him before he kills us. Nuntis. I shook my head, answering her. I want to see what he says. I need answers. Nuntis sighed at my response. I snapped my attention back up to Christian, who was now closer to me. I felt my hand move slowly to my right hip, resting it on my silver dagger, causing Christian to freeze, his hands moving into the air. 

"You wouldn't hurt me. I know you can't Mari. I know you." He said. His voice was so tender, almost forcing me back into his spell. But I knew him now. 

"Answer my question. Or I'll slit your throat." I growled at him. He smirked, taking a step backward. 

"I came to see you. To apologize for what happened-"

"You took away the only thing I cared about. It's a bit late for apologies. Why did you kill that man back there? What was he to you?" 

"I needed to get your attention. He was right there, and knowing you, I knew you would track his killer."

"How did you know I was going to be here. Be home today."

"I knew you couldn't stay away forever. So I waited." 

"Why do you care what happens to me anymore. You left me a long time ago. And never came back. What gives you the right to come back here like nothing happened. You ruined my life Christian! But you won't let me go. Why?" Nuntis was quiet now, leaving me to talk to him. I felt tears sting my eyes. I saw the way he looked at me, it was familiar. He used to look at me like that all the time before... this. His head was cast down, and his index finger rubbed together with his thumb, something he only did when he was hurt or upset. His eyes flicked back up to me, looking at me. Everything about me must have looked different to him. When we were together, I wasn't as confident, shy. But I'm stronger now. That's what I thought anyway. But when I felt that one little tear drip out of my eye, it felt like everything changed. In that one moment. My body craved his arms, his chest. His warmth. I wanted him to hold me and never let go. Snap out of it! Remember what he did to you? He'll do it again if you give him the power to. Listen to me Marina. He's not good for you. She was right. I knew what he could and would do to me. I wiped my eyes, flicking the droplets to the ground. Along with every positive emotion I had towards Christian. I let Nuntis growl at him. My body shook as I morphed. My paws hit the hard ground as I growled. Christian stood, shocked, but when he realized what I meant, he snarled at me, turning into the giant black wolf who was ready to fight. I knew his wolf was dangerous. But Nuntis felt stronger than ever. She raised her huge head into the air, letting out a loud howl. When we looked back at Christian, she snarled, then pounced at him. We hit his huge body in midair, Nuntis sunk her teeth into his neck, causing little red droplets to appear. Our bodies separated long enough for Christian to recover then leap towards us. Nuntis stepped out of the way in perfect time, then jumped to his back, sinking her teeth deeper into his back, causing Christian to yelp in pain. He jumped around trying to throw us off. When he succeeded, Christian stood over us, snarling. It felt like I was about to die, again. I shut my eyes as he growled and snarled above me. I felt a jerk, then he was gone. My eyes snapped open to see five wolves circled around Christian. They barked and growled. Christian snarled at them. One of the wolves leaped at him, tearing his teeth through Christians' back. He yelped. My legs felt like stone under me. I had to stop them. No Mari. There's no use. Let them kill him. Be happy.  Nuntis said to me. I whined. I can't just let five random wolves take his life. I pulled myself to my feet, and slowly walked towards the wolves. Then the same, silver wolf pounced onto Christians' back again, clawing at him. I saw Christian struggling to stay on his feet. He was hurting. I barked loudly at the five wolves. Three of them turned around, the other two watching Christian. One of the wolves slowly moved towards me. I felt my legs stiffen as he stopped in front of me. 

"Stop hurting him." I chuffed. The brown wolf looked at me with confusion. 

"He was attacking you." He barked. 

"Just let him go, please." The wolf turned back to his pack, shaking his head. The four wolves backed away from Christian. He glanced at me before sprinting through the forest. I looked back at the brown wolf in front of me. The alpha I guess. He had these deep golden eyes that pierced my skin. They looked familiar.... But I couldn't figure it out. It was when the pack morphed, I realized who they were. 

One Direction.

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