Chapter Twenty-Nine

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*Chapter twenty nine*

Months passed, not too many, but enough. Enough to make me feel completely destroyed insde. Why did I have ot be so stupid? Why did I always push away the people I care about?  I always did it. But this time, it actually meant something. It wasn't just my life I was wrecking, it was Quinn now. She was going to be effected by this.

The past week or so, I'd pretty much been alone with Quinn. Niall or Liam came over every now and then to check up on me, and one of my longtime friends started to come over too. Her name was Ashley. She and I had gone to school together, all of primary, secondary and high school. 

I heard a knock at the door, pulling me from my thoughts, I put Quinn down in her playpen, standing. I rushed to the door, swinging it open. Ashley stood in front of me, a tan handbag on her forearm. 

Oh, here's the catch with Ashley; she's Christian's twin sister. Ironic right? 

"Hey girl." She said with a smile. She knew about Christian and I, and Quinn, and Louis. Pretty much everything, except what me and her brother really were. 

"How are you?" I nodded as she stepped beside me.

"A little better. Just, thinking too much." Ash sat down on the sofa, making kissy faces at Quinn as she lifted her out of the pen.

"Talk to me boo. That's what I'm here for." I half smiled.

"I just feel horrible. I mean, I made a really really bad mistake... One that probably ruined everything for us."

"Yeah.. I get it. But I'm only worried about one thing..."

"What's that?" I saw her face drop a little bit.

"What's going to happen with Quinn..? I mean, a baby needs her dad. If you guys don't get back together, will he still be a part of her life?" My head turned down to my hands, which twisted around. I could feel the lump in my throat getting bigger and the tears well up behind my eyes.

"That's the part I'm worried about Ash... Is that I don't know if he will." I sniffled, letting the tears drip out of my eyes. I moved my hands up to cover my face, letting soft sobs wretch out of my body. I felt Ashley move to my side, rubbing my back with her hands.

"Shh shh hey it'll be okay Mar. Shh." She said. I pulled in a deep breath, bringing myself back together. 

"I'm so scared Ashley. I don't want to do this without him... I don't know if I can."

"Hey. You are strong. You are going to be just fine. And you have me. If Louis wants to be here, he will. It'll be okay." she said. She turned to her phone as I wiped my face, pressing a button before locking the screen.

"Now, let's go out. Fro Yo?" I laughed as I nodded. We stood, and I lifted Quinn from Ashley's arms. Walking out the door, I saw Ashley check something on her phone before following me. 

*Louis' P.O.V.*

I sat on the sofa when my phone buzzed. It was an unknown number. I clicked the text, reading over the words.

Louis, this is Ashley, a friend of Marina's. I want you to listen to this. Okay? I'm going to call you, put you on speaker. Don't say a. Just listen. Don't say anything.

I scrunched my eyes together in confusion. My phone rang after that, it was the girl. I listened like she told me to, not saying anything. I heard the girl, Ashley, then I heard her, Marina. I felt my jaw clench in... in... not anger, or frustration. But anger at myself. Not her. I heard her talk to Ashley. I could hear the tears dripping out of her eyes. I heard everything.

Then the phone hung up. I stared at it in disbelief, when the door opened. Liam appeared in the doorway. 

"Hey mate, how you holding up?" I shook my head. "Sorry. Talk to me Lou." I sighed.

"A friend of hers, Ashley. She called me, put me on speaker phone and let me listen to her and Marina talk about me... It was bad Liam." I felt the warm tears at the line of my eyes, ready to spill over. 

"What were they saying?" I explained to him everything the girls said, about Quinn, about me. I knew they were right. But I was scared to go back. I hated not seeing her. It broke me apart. 

"You need to see her Louis. Soon." I shook my head. 

"That's it Liam. I don't know if I can."

"You haven't even talked to Harry, Louis. You need to do that first." I sighed again. 

"Alright, let's go." I stood. Ready. 

I wanted my life back.

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