Chapter Sixteen

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*Chapter sixteen*

*Marina's P.O.V.*

The week in the hospital flew by, yet it felt so slow. Everything felt different too. For now, Quinn and I were with Louis in the flat, the boys neighboring us. I didn't know what was going to happen next. The boys were leaving again to go on tour soon, and I was worried. 

Quinn's familiar cry snapped me out of my thoughts. I stood, jogging to the bedroom.

"Hey baby, shh shh shh mummy's here." I cooed as I lifted her. She quieted down, falling back asleep. She was so gorgeous. And I'm not just saying that cos she's my daughter. Like, she's genuinely beautiful. She has light brown hair, not much of it though, but it's there, and her eyes are a mixture of blue and grey, with little dimples in her cheeks. "There you go baby, Mummy's got you." I whispered. Quinn let out a noisy sneeze, making me giggle. The warm arms that snaked around my waist made me grin. 

"How doesn't she look like you?" Louis said. I laughed, looking down at Quinn. Her little eyelids peeped open.

"Hi beautiful" Louis said. I handed her up to him, making him grin even bigger. I felt my phone start to buzz in my pocket.

"I'll be right back babe." I said to him. Walking out of the room, I answered the buzz.


"Mari!" the voice was high pitch-ish, but very familiar. I could also hear voices in the background.

"Uhm.. Yes. May I ask who's calling?" I said.

"It's me Mari. It's Rose." I felt my heart skip a beat. It was her. My big sister. I hadn't talked to her for almost two years... I stopped when Christian.... 

"Rose? It's you! How are you! How's mum, and Logan?" I started to ramble.

"They're all good. I just want to know what's been going on with you? Want to meet up later today? Say, 3:00 ish?" I looked over at the clock, it was almost 2:00. 

"Sure. Where at?"

"How about the little coffee shop on the corner, by the park?" 

"Sounds great. I'll see you there. Love you Rose."

"Love you too Mari. Bye." I smiled as I hung up the phone. I missed them. They didn't even know about Quinn. Or Louis. Hell they didn't even know about ME. I walked back into the bedroom, seeing Lou on the small little sofa with Quinn in his lap. He was playing with her arms, waving them around. I laughed, causing him to look up. 

"What in the world are you doing Tomlinson?" I giggled. 

"Uhm.. Uh..  She did it." He said. "Never mind that. Who was that on the phone?"

"It was my sister. She wants to go out for coffee in like an hour." I said.

"Oh, well that should be fun. Are we coming with?" I smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Not this time love." I stood, walking out of the room.

*An hour later*

"Hahahaha really?" I said as Rose nodded.

"Yeah, right into the door." 

"Awh I miss him. How old is he now? Four?" 

"Yeah, he'll be five this July." She was referencing my nephew, Ryaan, her son. "So, what's new with you? Oh wait, I think I might already know." Her tone changed then. I didn't understand why until she set the magazine on the table. My heart sank. It was me and Louis on the cover.

                                                                            Louis Tomlinson to be a Father!? 

                                                                            And who is the mysterious new girl?                        

"What the hell is this?" She snapped. I was speechless. I knew they'd find out, I knew that they'd write about us. 

"Damn it..." I muttered. "Rose, I can explain."

"Well get to it." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Uhm... Well... I met Louis about, well a year ago I think... And we just sort of hit it off. Then he had to leave to come here to continue with his career with the boys. So we just stopped talking. I figured out I was pregnant about a week after I moved here. I didn't tell them until I was almost five months. And now here we are."

"Wait you actually had the baby? Where is it?" She asked.

"She's at home with Louis."

"She? It's a girl? When do I get to meet her?" I smiled.

"Soon I guess. Wait, so you don't hate me?" I asked. There was that one little detail about all of this, creeping in the back of my mind...

"Of course I don't hate you. I'm just sad that you didn't tell any of us." She said. Rose pulled her blonde hair out of her face, revealing her hazel eyes. Rose was about six years older than me, married and had a son, who I talked about earlier. I used to see her and Logan all of the time before Christian changed me. I took in a deep breath, I had to tell her. I bit down on my lip, twisting my fingers.

"Mar, you okay?" Rose asked. I sighed.

"I need to tell you something Rose." She looked confused.

"What's wrong?"

I pulled in another deep breath. Well, here goes nothing.

"I'm a werewolf."

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