Chapter Twenty

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*Chapter twenty*

*Marina's P.O.V.*

I couldn't breathe. My hands shook, my legs were frozen, my mind blank. I was in a state of complete shock and fear. The same words repeated in my head over and over again.

He was dead. He has to be dead. How is he alive...

I stood in the frozen morning air, waiting for my body to regain feeling. I ran back into the house, scribbling a note for Louis on an unused napkin. Then I tiptoed up the stairs to Quinn's room. I felt soft droplets roll out of my eyes as I pressed my lips to her forehead.

"Mummy will be home soon baby. Don't drive daddy too crazy okay?" I giggled as she twitched. I shut the door behind me as I sneaked back down the stairs. I snatched my leather jacket, slipping it over my grey hoodie, and pulling on my black boots. I stepped back out into the crisp air, pulling in a shaky breath as my car roared into life.

Here goes nothing.

*Louis' P.O.V.*

I was startled out of sleep by the sound of a car engine. I opened my eyes slowly, unable to hear a second heart beat beside me. Mari. My body whipped into movement, searching. I went to Quinn's room, scrunching my eyebrows together. Where was she? Closing the door, I hastily zipped down the stairs, calling for her.

"Mari? Are you here?" Why would she leave? It's almost six in the morning. When I reached the front room, I saw the folded napkin on the table. Snatching it up, I read Marina's scribbled words.


I'll be home soon. Just have to go do a few things. I love you. Take care of Quinn. 


I stood in the room, confused. It was when I walked outside. I saw a crumpled piece of paper in the grass. When I picked it up, it was half ripped. Mari. The only part of it that was left was a few words.

he will die 


That was when a breeze blew by. Enveloping me in all of the smells. One stuck out. It was wolf.


*Marina's P.O.V.*

As much as I hated to lie to Louis, I felt... I don't know... Obligated to. I was going to protect him. And Quinn. I didn't know when I'd be home. Or if he would even let me go..Part of me thought Louis already knew that he was here. I knew he was lying about something. I shook the thoughts off as I drove, smiling as my favorite American song came on. I started to sing to it.

"In this california king bed, we're ten thousand miles apart. I've been california wishing on these stars, for your heart or me. My california king!" I laughed at myself, remembering the time when I was alone. Without Louis or Quinn. Part of me missed being alone. Then the sensible side kicked in, reminding me what a blessing they were. I would be lost without them.

I pulled into the Welsh countryside at about seven thirty. But I didn't want to go straight to the cabin yet. I wanted to just let this all sink in. But I knew it wouldn't. It scared me to think of what he was capable of. He could kill someone in a split second, tearing their throat apart... I shuddered. I grinned at the little motel on the corner of the street.

Pulling into the parking lot, I stepped back into the crisp, fresh Welsh air. It's been almost a year since I left... The desk lady smiled at me as I walked in.

"Good morning sweetheart. How can I help you this morning?" She had a thick Welsh accent, dark curls flowwing down her shoulders and framing bright hazel eyes.

"I need a room. Just for a few hours."

"Long drive?" She asked. I smiled.

"Yes ma'am." She finished writing something before handing me a room key.

"Have a good day dear." I turned, stepping up the stairs. I found my room at the end of the long hallway. Locking the door behind me, I threw my purse to the floor, snaking out of my leather jacket and my black boots before crawling under the heavy, warm blankets, finally falling into somewhat peacefull sleep.

I woke almost ten hours later, at nearly six in the evening. I crawled out of the bed slowly, reaching for my phone beside me. Turning it on, I saw the seven messages flashing on the screen. I clicked them.

Niall: Mari where are you?? Louis is worried

Louis: Mari? Baby are you there?

Louis: Marina I'm getting really worried. Text me back.

Louis: baby please. Where are you??

Harry: Marina! Where are you?

Liam: Mari, please don't do something you'll regret. Think this through. Don't leave us again. Please.

Louis: Baby I love you so much. Please come home.

He was so worried... He shouldn't be... I clenched my jaw in worry as I typed a response.

Me: Louis, I'm okay. I already told you what I had to do. I promise everything's going to be okay. Please don't worry. Just take care of Quinn until I get home okay? I love you.

The phone buzzed back almost instantaneously

Louis: Why won't you tell me what's going on? Please.

Me: I can't Lou. Please just trust me

Louis: Okay, fine. Please be careful.

Me: I will baby. I promise.

I turned off my phone as I redressed.

Here we go.

*Christian's P.O.V.*

I sat in front of the old wood cabin, waiting. She would come. If I know anything about Mari is that she takes a threat head on, not letting anyone or anything stop her. I wanted her here when the sun went down. I'm not really sure why, but I just felt stronger then.

The pack; or what's left of them; circled around the cabin. I had fifteen wolves in my pack before four of them were murdered by Louis and his pack. I snarled as I got to my feet. I pushed the door of the cabin open, stepping inside. I was flooded with the smells of musky pine trees, and her. I walked over to the box by the telle, reaching down. I scrambled through the old papers and photographs until one of them stuck out. I picked it up out of the box. It was me and her. Before I screwed everything up. It was a picture we took together. She had her head rested on my shoulder and mine on the top of her head. It was raining, so my arms were wrapped around her waist. I remember that day. It was one of the best days we'd had together. That was the first time we'd spent the night with each other. Doing more than sleeping. I remember waking up that morning, seeing her face. She was still sleeping, so I just sat. That was before I was bitten.

My body slumped to the ground at the memories. Warm tears flooded out of my eyes. I missed her so much. Why did I have to ruin everything?

I sat on the ground, clutching the photograph close to me for almost an hour. That's when I felt her. She was here. I snapped to my feet, steeping towards the door. I shoved the photograph into my jacket as I swung the door open. She stood in front of me, a terrified look on her face.

"You're alive."

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