Chapter Twenty Two

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*Chapter twenty-two*

*Louis' P.O.V.*

She still wasn't home yet. How couldn't she be home? Where was she? The boys had all come over when I told them she was still gone. I was pacing by the door, staring out of the window.   

"Mate, I'm sure she's fine. She'll be home whenever she's done with what she needs to do. Give her time." Niall said. I whipped around to face him impatiently.  

"I gave her time! She said that she would be home soon. She's with him."  

"What? How do you know that?" Zayn stood.  

"I found this in the yard this morning when she left," I set the note on the table for them to see. Zayn snapped it up, reading over the few scribbled words. "And I smelled him in the yard this morning."  

"Do you know anything else Louis?" Liam asked.  


"Spit it out man. Your girl's possibly in danger. Or worse." Harry said.  

"He came here a few weeks ago. Asking for her. Then he threatened me. He said he'd come back. But I didn't think that he'd... I just... What do I do? What if he hurt her? I can't handle the thought of him even touching her." I cringed at my own words.   

"You have to calm down Lou. She'll be fine." Liam said.   "Who is he talking about? You?" Zayn asked. He held the ripped note in his fingers. I nodded.  

"Who else? He wants me dead more than anyone."  

"We need to find her." Niall said. Liam sat on the couch, flicking on the telle.  

"Liam, I hardly think this is the time to be watching the football game." Harry said. Liam changed the channel to the news. I froze as the anchorman spoke.  

"There was an accident in Wales tonight. Right on the corner of West Grove avenue and North Pemmbroke"  That was the road to the cabin.... I felt my hands start to shake as the screen changed to the reporter.   

"Thanks Tom. Well the accident here was caused by a distracted driver. The pickup was speeding at nearly 85mph on a 60mph road. He was unaware of the small grey toyota camry pulling into the road." My body shook more as they showed the car on the screen. "The pickup hit the car, causing it to roll almost 30 feet down the road. There was only one person in the car," I felt my heart stop in my chest. Please don't be her. Please god I'm begging you. "A young woman in her early twenties, Marina Whitlock was the victim in this horrific crash." I blocked everything out after they said her name. Marina. She was dead.   

"She's dead. My girl." I said. I turned, facing the dining room. In an instant, I was in uncontrollable rage. I felt the wolf trying to take over, and I let it. He flipped the tables in the room, making a mess of the silverware. He punched the nearest wall, creating a deep hole in the wood. I felt him receding inside of me as I fell to the floor. I held my face in my hands as I sobbed. She was gone. She was gone and there was nothing I could do.   

Marina was dead.  

*Liam's P.O.V.*

I was in shock when they said her name. But the way Louis reacted... He let his wolf take over, before he even listened to the rest of the report. I heard a phone buzz beside me. I picked it up, reading the message. It was Rosaline, Marina's sister.

Rosaline: Louis she's okay. She'll be okay. They brought her to the emergency room in Aberaeron. Come. Please. We need you. 

I felt a little shimmer of hope as I read the words. 

"Louis! Louis she's in the hospital. Rose said you need to go."

"I'll drive him. He can't go alone." Niall said. 

"Alright Niall. Take care of him. Text me when you see her." I said. Niall leaned down to Louis, lifting his arm over his shoulder.

"Louis, c'mon mate. We gotta go. Hey Harry, go make sure Quinn is okay. Keep her in bed." Niall said. Harry nodded as he raced up the stairs. I turned to Niall, who nodded at me as he stepped out the door, Louis holding onto his shoulders. 

Please let her be okay.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

Louis had the blankest expression on his face. A look I'd never seen on him. I understood it I guess. I mean, his girlfriend is in surgery, from a car accident, after seeing Christian. I'd be pretty messed up too. 

I heard a sound finally come from him as we parked in the lot. He interlocked his fingers together, resting his chin on them. He pulled in a deep breath before putting his hands over his face. I rubbed his back.

"She'll be okay mate. She will." 

"And what if she's not? Huh? What if she's..." he was crying now. Soft tears rolled out of his eyes. He was in so much pain. 

"You have to believe she will be. Now c'mon, Rose is waiting." I stepped out of the car, shutting the door behind me. We walked into the hospital, our sunglasses on and our hoods up. We pulled the glasses off to show the desk ladies who we were. 

"You are.."

"Yes we know. No time. We need to find Marina Whitlock? The car accident victim?" I said. The lady nodded. 

"All the way down the hall and to your left, she just came out of surgery. Room 586." 

"Thank you." I turned, Louis at my heels, and walked abnormally quick down the hall. When we stopped in front of it, I heard him pull in a shaky breath, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Lou, she's going to be okay. C'mon. You can do this." He nodded. I smiled and slowly pushed the door open. Rose sat by the bed, holding her sister's limp hand. I saw Mari. She had bandages all over her body, wrapped over her left arm and up her neck. Louis gasped behind me. I looked over at Rose. I mouthed words to her.

We should give him a minute. She nodded, kissing Marina's hand before following me into the hallway.

"So what did the doc say 'bout her?" I asked. Rose sighed.

"Her injuries were really bad. She hit her head really hard on the glass. So she's.. She's in a coma Niall. They don't know when she'll wake up. They don't know if she even will." She started to cry. I Pulled her into my arms, rubbing her back softly. 

"Shh... Shh she'll be okay Rose. She'll wake up." I just hoped that my words were true.

*Louis' P.O.V.*    They both left the room, leaving me with her alone. I sat by her bed, where Rose was, clutching onto her hand. She wasn't awake. Her heart was beating slow.    "Mari... It's Louis. It's me baby. Wake up. Please. For me?" I begged. I could feel tears drifting out of my eyes. He did this. This was all his fault. "Marina. Marina please wake up." How could this have happened? Why her?   I was going to kill him for this. He wouldn't get away with it.   Even if it meant sacrificing my own life.

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