Chapter Twenty-Four

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*Chapter twenty-four*

*Louis' P.O.V.*

As Rose shut the door behind her, I turned to Marina. She looked up at me with a confused look, like she was still trying to remember me. Us. I hated the way she looked in a hospital. The gown was baggy over her, her lovely auburn hair was a mess under her head, and the oxygen tubes... made her look, awful.  

"You really don't remember me Mar?" I said. I pulled the chair close to her bedside, leaning back. She looked at me, her bright blue eyes were dim, filled with frustration.

"No. I don't. I'm sorry. Really, I am." I sighed angrily. 

"But you remember Quinn."

"I didn't say that."

"But you recognized her photograph."


"So you have some recollection of her."

"I- I guess so."

"What do you see me as. What am I to you?"

"An international superstar, trying to get some lame Welsh girl to remember that we had a 'relationship' together." I half-smiled at her voice. Marina was definitely back. The heavy tone of sarcasm tinted her voice. 

"So what is Quinn to you."

"A face in a picture." I froze at her response. She didn't remember anything about her. Her own baby. I felt my hands cover my face, quietly letting tears drip their way out. 

That's when I heard it. The heart beat. It was loud, strong. It was full of anger. I stood, stepping in front of the hospital bed.

"Louis? What's the matter?" Marina said. I couldn't even smile at the way she said my name. I was just focused on the beat. It was right outside the door. Listening closer, I heard the quick, scared heart beside it. Rose.

"Just, don't say anything okay? Please? Just trust me." She nodded hesitantly. I clenched my fists together. I would protect her this time. This was when I had to prove it to her. That I could do this. Be here for her. Prove to her that he wasn't who she thought he was. 

I heard a thump, right before the door opened. I wanted to leap forward as he stepped inside. 

"Hey Lou. Nice to see you."

"Don't even try that Christian."

"Why not buddy? We're friends right?"

"Christian?" Mari asked, her voice cracked at his name. He turned to face her. Pushing me to the side as he stepped to her. 

"I'm here baby." She smiled at him. I wanted so badly to tear his head off. Just to kill him.


"Stop it. Both of you. Go outside. Now. Don't you dare do this in front of her." Rose snapped. Marina looked at her, completely confused. Christian glared up at me, then turned back to Mari.

"I'll be back love." He kissed her cheek before stepping towards me. I clenched my jaw as I led the way outside.

When we were engulfed in the cold air, I leaped at him, knocking him to the ground. I felt my wolf fighting to break out of me. Trying to kill him.

I pulled Christian to an empty field near the hospital, when I morphed. I let the anger and hate take control of my body. My wolf threw his head into the air, letting out a loud howl. I looked back to Christian, who smirked at me. He leaped forward, colliding with my body in the air. We dropped, our claws cutting deep into each others skin. I felt my long, sharp canine teeth sink into his nape, tasting the sweet blood in my mouth.

Christian lunged out of my grasp, spinning me to the dirt. I snarled loudly at him, snapping my teeth in rage. He chuffed in laughter. I pounced up at him, my teeth sinking into his paw. I threw my head up, still holding his leg, slamming him into the ground. He whimpered in pain. I stood above him, snarling and snapping. I could hear the pounding of paws on the hard ground. I looked up to see Liam, Zayn, and Harry all sprinting towards me. I looked back down at Christian.

"I guess you win then. Eh mate?" He smirked through his teeth.

I threw my head into his chest, burrowing my teeth into his skin. His blood exploded in my mouth, filling me with satisfaction. 

I was then tackled off of him. I snapped and growled at the wolf above me. 

"Louis! Calm down." It was Liam. I looked to see Zayn and Harry cornering Christian, snarling at him. I stared at Zayn, knowing he knew what I wanted. He lunged at Christian, gaining hold of his jaw with his teeth. Christian whined and whimpered in total pain. He hadn't been attacked by another Alpha in a long time. 

I was engulfed with pleasure at seeing him at our mercy. 

"Zayn! Zayn stop! She's coming!" Harry barked at him. I froze, turning to face the hospital. I saw Rose jogging towards us. Zayn released Christian from his jaws, his head falling to the dirt. I pulled myself to my paws, standing in front of Rose.

"What are you doing here? When did they get here!?" She yelled. I chuffed at her. Liam stepped around me, morphing back to himself.

"Rose, we heard his call-"

"So did I. And Marina." She glared at me. I looked to Liam. Sending him words to say.

"He wants to know what she said about it." She looked back to me as she spoke.

"Well, she was definitely scared. She didn't know what it was. Just that it was a wolf. I told her not to worry about it. That she'd be just fine." I sighed. Damn. I'm such an idiot. "Now, you all need to go. You too Louis." I growled at her then looked again at Liam. 

"He wants to know why he needs to leave," he paused. "And why you've been keeping this from him. Your little, deal with Christian." She gasped at me. 

"He wanted to see her. He was a part of her life too at one point Louis. He deserves another chance." I snarled at her before involuntarily leaping at her. I felt Harry's body tackle me over. I morphed back, standing. 

"How dare you say that! Do you know what he's done to her? Huh? You don't. He ruined her life. He kidnapped her out of the shower. He attacked her in the woods. He turned her into what she is! Do you know how many times he's fucked this all up for himself? He doesn't deserve another chance with her!" I screamed.

"I get that. But Louis, he's been in her life at least five years longer than you have. They both deserve a chance with each other again. A chance to start over. A clean slate."

"You knew that this was going to happen... You knew that she was going to get in a wreck.... How? Was it you?" I asked. I felt my body ready to crumple down again, to just lay down and die. But I wouldn't let her win. I wouldn't let him get what he wanted. 

"No, as a matter of fact it wasn't. I didn't know it was going to happen. I was just as surprised as you were Louis." I growled, feeling the wolf trying to break out again. I shook my head, pushing him back. Louis, you want to kill them. Both of them. I know you do. You can't. I'm more than happy to do it. But you know how badly you'll hurt her. Inteus, my wolf, said. He was the sensible half of me. But also the more dangerous. Inteus, don't tempt me. You know how I feel about him. More than anyone. I snarled. He quieted in my head. I looked behind me at Christian, growling.

"If I go, he goes too. And doesn't come back until Marina regains her memory. Or I will kill him right now. I have an Alpha here this time Rose, don't be stupid." I snarled at her. She looked to Christian before turning back to me.

"Fine. Now go." I turned to the boys behind me, signaling to them. They nodded in reply as I started forward, morphing silently. Zayn dropped Christian's body to the dirt, a cloud of dust exploding around him. I looked to Rosaline, snapping my teeth and releasing a powerful bark. Zayn led the way as we whipped through the dark forest. 

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