Chapter Fifteen

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*Chapter fifteen* 

*Two months later*

Two more months have passed. My belly is huge. We're expecting her anytime now. I was laying down next to Louis, who, of course, was sound asleep. I was getting really scared for this baby. She was going to be a handful. But with five boys always around, maybe it would be easier.

As soon as I started to drift into sleep, I felt a pop in my tummy. I figured it was just baby kicking me again. But that's when I felt the warm liquid start to drip down my legs. I felt another pop and snapped into a sitting position. I clutched my belly as the pain set in.

"Owww Oww. Louis. Louis wake up. Ouchhhh." I started to shout. I felt him stirring besides me. Then I heard thumping down the hall. the bedroom door burst open and the boys started to file in. Liam helped me to my feet as Zayn shook Louis awake.

"C'mon love, just breathe." Liam said softly. Him and Niall held my hands down the hall, balancing me. When we reached the car, the boys all shuffled in, Louis next to me. We zipped through traffic before finally reaching the hospital. Louis picked me up, carrying me through the doors. 

"Someone help!" Liam shouted. Thank god there wasn't that many people in the hospital. The last thing I needed was to have crazy girls mobbing us. A nurse ran over to me and Lou with a wheelchair. Louis set me down when the nurse started to push me forward. All of the boys followed as we zoomed through the millions of hallways.

When we reached an open room, I was suddenly crowded with doctors and nurses. I couldn't see Louis anymore, causing me to start to panic. I wasn't ready, but she was. She was ready to come out to the world. I felt a stabbing pain in my tummy again. Was it supposed to hurt this bad? I heard Louis pushing through the mob of doctors. He stood over me, holding on to my hands. 

"You're going to be okay. I'm here baby. I love you." He pressed his lips to my forehead before he was pushed away, out the door. I screamed in pain as the lights started to get brighter and flicker. 

Then everything went black.

*Louis' P.O.V.* 

My heart throbbed in my chest, pounding with anxiety. They wouldn't let me see her, so I was stuck pacing around the waiting room with the other lads. Niall sat, biting his fingernails, Harry crossed his arms, Zayn held his chin in his hands, his leg bouncing, and Liam crossed his fingers in his lap. 

Fifteen minutes went by. 

Then twenty.





It was almost an hour and a half before I heard the quiet little footsteps trail down the hall. The nurse stood in front of us.

"Louis Tomlinson?" She said. I stood, stepping towards her. "You're the father?" I nodded. "Follow me." She turned, leading me down the hallways to the room. I walked in slowly, holding my breath. I saw her, Marina. Her eyes were filled with pain and fear. I looked over in the corner to see her, my baby girl. I was just about to step forward as the nurse pulled me to the side. 

"She is very weak, she'll be okay but she has suffered severe, almost fatal, blood loss. We'll have to keep her here for about a week, maybe longer." I was frozen. She was in pain. My love. I nodded curtly before stepping towards her. 

"Hi beautiful girl." I said to her, grabbing for her hand. She rolled her head towards me. 

"Lou. You're here. It hurts Lou. She doesn't hurt right? Please tell me she's okay?" She rambled. Through her words, my heart broke in my chest. I felt tears fighting to drip out of my eyes. 

"She's okay Mari. It'll all go away soon. I promise. I love you." She smiled. 

"I love you too Louis." I kissed her forehead softly, squeezing my eyes closed. 

"Quinn." She mumbled. I pulled away, confused.

"What love?" 

"Her name. Quinn Melodie Tomlinson." She grinned. I felt the warm tears start to leak down my cheeks.

"That's beautiful baby."

"I want to see her Lou." I nodded, standing. I moved over towards the little basket in the corner, lifting her. Quinn. My baby girl. She felt so fragile in my arms.

"Hello gorgeous." I whispered. Her face fidgeted, the corners of her lips moving into a quick smile. I grinned. She knew I was here. I moved back over to Marina, who beamed up at me from her bed. I set Quinn down in her arms.

"She looks like you Mari." I said. Marina smirked. We sat for a little while before I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said. The boys all filed in, smiling when they saw us. They moved around us, circling the bed. 

"She's gorgeous." Liam said. Marina beamed again. Niall moved to Mari, a childish look on his face. 

"Can I?" He asked. Marina laughed, nodding. Niall grinned as he took Quinn from her arms. 

"What's her name?" Harry asked. I looked over to Marina before speaking.

"Quinn Melodie Tomlinson." I said, proud. This was her. She was finally here. But only a few questions raced through my mind.

What was she, was she like us? Or did she have to be bitten?

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