Chapter Nineteen

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*Chapter nineteen*

*Marina's P.O.V.*

 I smiled as mum turned to Lou, 

"So, Louis, tell us about your family back in Doncaster? What are they like?"

Lou half-smiled. He missed his family. "Well, I have four sisters, Charlotte, or Lottie as we call her, Felicite, and Daisy and Phoebe, who are twins. So I was the only boy growing up." My dad chuckled. 

"Well that must have been exciting eh laddy?" We all burst into laughter at his accent. Dad was half Scottish, so the accent was heavy. Rose and I used to make fun of him all the time. I missed my family, even more now, just sitting with them at dinner. And now, all of this, it all felt perfect and whole.... Yet there was still a little voice in the back of my head telling me that something was wrong... Like I was being lied to...

I shook off the thought as Niall appeared in the doorway. The conversations stopped as he spoke.

"Uh Mari... We need a little help..." He smiled weakly. I giggled. 

"Excuse me, have to make sure Quinn is still alive." They all chuckled. Niall followed me up the stairs as I started to hear the quiet little cries. 

"Shh... Shh baby it's okay. Uncle Zayn is here. Shh shh shh." I smiled as he turned around. He stepped towards me, holding out Quinn. Her crying stopped as soon as she moulded into my hands. I looked back up to Zayn and Niall.

"She seems fine." I said. 

"Well Niall's pretty sure she's hungry." Zayn said.

"And Zayn doesn't have boobs so.... we got you." Niall laughed. I smiled as I shook my head. I shooed the boys out of the room, holding Quinn on my shoulder as I shut the door. I moved her down to the crook of my elbow as I sat on the rocking chair. I smiled as she grabbed on to my index finger with her little hands. Her eyes flicked open, revealing those gorgeous blue grey eyes and flaring her already long eyelashes. I rubbed my fingers on her soft little circle cheeks. 

"Hi beautiful girl. Mummy's here. Shh I'm here love. Mummy's here." I cooed as she fell into sleep. I let my thoughts flood my mind as I rocked in the little chair. I knew Quinn was a mistake. She was never meant to happen. My family knew too. I could see the disappointment hollowing my mum's eyes. My dad hid it better. But I knew.. Quinn was the best mistake I've ever made.

*Louis' P.O.V.*

Marina was only gone for about ten minutes, leaving me alone with her family. I had no idea what they thought of me. They were like her, unreadable. They laughed and smiled like she did. And her sister was an exact image of her. Just a tad older. I smiled as Mari re-emerged in the doorway. I stood, pulling out her chair for her. She smiled. 

"Baby's still alive I presume?" Mrs. Whitlock asked. Marina nodded curtly. I could feel the tension between them. 

After dinner, we all sat in the living room, I mean, everyone. We sat around the telly watching the Spanish, Brazilian football game. Mari and Rose sat in the kitchen, chatting about who knows what, Niall and Haz were playing rock paper scissors, Liam and Mr. Whitlock were chatting about the football game, Zayn and Logan were talking about art and Mrs. Whitlock was in the kitchen, with the girls i think. I held Quinn in my arms. We all just sat. 

It was almost three hours later when Marina's parents had to go. 

"Louis, it was a pleasure. See you soon lad." Her dad shook my hand.

"You as well Sir." he chuckled.

"Call me Ben." I smiled. Her mum turned to me. She leaned in towards my ear.

"I don't approve of what you've done. You've ruined it all for her. She's too young to be a mother." I felt my face fall as she pulled away. She turned to Mari. 

"I love you Marina. See you soon love." She glared at me as she walked out of the door. 

"I guess we better be off then too." Rose said.

"I love you Rosie." Marina laughed. We all exchanged hugs and handshakes. Then we were left alone. The boys had all left earlier and Quinn was upstairs sleeping. I was angry. How dare she say that to me. She thinks that I planned this for her. I didn't want this. I didn't mean for this to happen. Now her mum hated me. I must have showed my anger by accident, as Marina was staring at me in worry. 

"Lou... What happened?" She asked, stepping towards me. I pulled away from her, turning. "Louis. Talk to me." I sighed.

"Marina... Did I ruin everything..? Did meeting me destroy any chance you had of a normal life, even though you are what you are...?" I could feel warm tears forming in my eyes. What she said was true.. I did. I ruined everything for her. I should've just left.

"Louis... Why would you think that. It was her. She said that to you didn't she?" She snapped. I pulled in a shaky breath as the tears started to fall. I could hear her heart slow back down as she steeped towards me. Her small arms wrapped around my stomach holding me. I turned slowly, facing her.

"You haven't ruined anything Louis. You've made it one hundred times better. If it weren't for you, I'd be in the woods alone, probably being harassed by Christian for the rest of my life. You were a blessing. Everything is perfect now. I love you Louis." She said. Her fingers rubbed away the hot tears on my cheeks. She smiled before pressing her soft lips to mine. I moved my hands to her waist, pulling her into me. Her tongue darted out over my lips, making me smile. We moulded perfectly together, our lips knowing exactly what to do. I slowed down, biting soflty on her bottom lip, she let out a slight whimper as I kissed down her cheeks and neck. I pulled away, pressing my lips to hers one more time.

"Let's get to bed love." I said with a smile.

*Christian's P.O.V.*

My wolf taught me long ago how to place yourself in someone elses dreams. It was a gift only a few wolves possessed. I stood now, outside of her house. Well actually, outside of Tomlinson's house. I saw her in the living room, talking with him. He was crying as she wrapped around him. Then he turned, facing her. My girl. She spoke to him, changing his disposition completely. They kissed, molding together. I snarled. How dare he touch her. She was mine. They disappeared up the stairs, causing the house to turn dark. I sat outside, just waiting. But in the midst of my thoughts, I heard something. A sound that stuck out from the others. It was a heart beat. A weaker, younger heart. I climbed the side of the house, searching for the beat. I stopped at a window on the second floor. The room was a light purple, like lavender. Mari's favorite color. The furniture in the room was that of an infant. A baby... No. It couldn't be. 

My legs pushed off of the house, landing on the grass in rage. My body morphed involuntarily. The wolf lifted his head, letting out a powerful, angry howl. But I pulled him back in, not willing to risk my life. I re-morphed. I pulled a scrap of paper from my pocket, scribbling words for her to read. And only her. I set the note in the rose bush beside the house, reminding myself to lead her to them in her dream.

*Marina's P.O.V.*

I had just fallen asleep when the loud howl echoed through the house. Louis was still asleep. I could feel my body start to shake in fear. I shook it off as a coyote or something, closing my eyes again. 

In the dream, I was in a dark room that was completely empty. It soon appeared to me as mine and Louis' bedroom, but he wasn't there, just me. I heard thumping coming from the hallway, causing me to follow it. I didn't see anything as I descended the staircase. The thumping led me to the front porch. 

That's when I woke up. I stood outside on the porch. Just like in my dream. I was by the rose bushes lining the house. I saw a note poking out of them. It was crinkled when I grabbed hold of it. My heart dropped and my body froze as I read the scribbled writing. 

Go to the cabin. Tomorrow at dawn. Or he dies.


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