The Story

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The Story of Busted Gulch

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The Story of Busted Gulch

A desolate nothing in a nowhere place in the old west that became a campsite for desperate miners and trappers, ekeing scant livings out of its wilderness. As time passed the campsite grew into several shacks, forming a small community and gradually expanding as the appeal of sheltered lodgings attracted more prospectors.

The first big leap the community took was when gold was discovered in the stream that flowed through the site. Word spread and all the enterprising minds and bodies that attach themselves to such news began arriving in droves. Larger structures were raised, all representative of the needs and desires of the growing population.

When doubts of the longevity of the gold supply appeared disappointment consumed those who had sunk their lives into a false future and newer arrivals were met with resistance and anger. Gunfights and killings, theft and an uncontrolled rage ran rampant through those who didn't leave with the original émigrés. Soon there were but a few hangers on who more or less ruled the town, now christened, Busted Gulch by the disillusioned, departed populace. This remaining group became the new legend of Busted Gulch... and it began with a deadly card game.

First to arrive in town on their tired horses, was Ruechari and O'Boyle. They came to answer a challenge put up by 3GunWildBillDakotaKid...Jr. and were met outside the saloon by BillyBobPete. He warned them about hanging around but they had business inside and nothing was stopping them. The next on the scene was Lean, on her wonder horse, Six Star. She swaggered into the saloon, busting with confidence and ordering drinks for everybody. O'Boyle knew Lean. She had helped him break out of jail just before he was going to be hanged. She had not expected him to show up in Busted Gulch.

While they were all sizing one another up and drinking, Lean's horse ran off and it became a distraction for a bit but then, being the gambler that she was, Lean brought out her own deck of cards and dared them all to play. Four of them pulled up chairs. 3Gun, Ruechari, Lean and BillyBobPete. 3Gun wanted to know if Lean would bet her horse but she declined and then revealed that the horse was carrying medicine needed by her sick brother. The others looked aghast, asking why she would sit here playing cards instead of getting her horse and saving her brother. She called a game and just dealt the cards. Lean was a gambler.

The stakes were high, loser had to write a Haiku poem about moonlight in the desert and the game she called was, Old Maid. Ruechari was not having any of it. She insisted they hold the game and find Lean's horse, get the doctor and see to her brother. Meanwhile, another stranger arrived unnoticed and took up a corner of the saloon, just watching the others and making notes. Crazygoose was her name. O'Boyle who was busy watching the street for the posse that was after him, wanted to sit in but the game was on hold and so they all just kept drinking.

A long time passed and during that time, BillyBobPete was appointed sheriff of Busted Gulch and he suddenly decided that gambling would be banned. When Rue and Lean returned, without finding Six Star, they decided they might as well get on with the game, so, ignoring the sheriff's order, the game began. Grim faced players collected their pairs and in the end, Lean was the loser and had to write a haiku poem. While she was doing that, yet another stranger arrived. Highride Ali, and she came to play cards. She also mentioned the horse wandering around outside the saloon.

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